3. Working with Graphics Packages
The built-in commands in 2D allow to render function graphs and parametrized planar curves.
Function Graph
Graph of a sin curve. | In[1]:= p1 = Plot[3Sin[t], {t, -Pi, Pi}]
In[2]:= JavaView[p1] |
Compare with Mathematica |
2D Curves
Parametrized planar curve. | In[1]:= p2 = ParametricPlot[{Cos[5t], Sin[3t]}, {t, 0, 2Pi},
AspectRatio -> Automatic];
In[2]:= JavaView[p2] |
Compare with Mathematica |
This plots the image of a complex function for a given domain. | In[1]:= << Graphics`ComplexMap` In[2]:= pm = PolarMap[Exp, {0, 4, 1/4}, {Pi/2, Pi, Pi/16}]; In[3]:= JavaView[pm] |
Compare with Mathematica |
This specifies which curves to fill between and the colors of the filled regions. | In[1]:= << Graphics`FilledPlot` In[2]:= fp = FilledPlot[{Exp[-x], Cos[x], Sin[x]}, {x, 0, 2 Pi}, Fills -> {{{1, Axis}, RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, {{3, 2}, RGBColor[0, 0, 1]}}, Curves -> Front] In[3]:= JavaView[fp] |
Compare with Mathematica |
This plots an ellipse and a limacon on the same graph. | In[1]:= <<Graphics`Graphics` In[2]:= gp = PolarPlot[{4/(2 + Cos[t]), 4Cos[t] - 2}, {t, 0, 2Pi}]; In[3]:= JavaView[gp] |
Compare with Mathematica |
This plots an ellipse using the Solve method. | In[1]:= <<Graphics`ImplicitPlot` In[2]:= ip = ImplicitPlot[x^2 + 2 y^2 == 3, {x, -2, 2}]; In[3]:= JavaView[ip] |
Compare with Mathematica |
This shows sine
and cosine curves with a legend. JavaView fails : Graphics inside a
rectangle command are not parsed. Not supported yet. |
In[1]:= <<Graphics`Legend` In[2]:= l = Plot[{Sin[x], Cos[x]}, {x, -2 Pi, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> {GrayLevel[0], Dashing[{.03}]}, PlotLegend -> {"Sine", "Cosine"}]; In[3]:= JavaView[l] |
Compare with Mathematica |
This shows two sets of points, displayed as little stars. JavaView fails : MultipleListPlot makes intense use of Offset, which is not supported. | In[1]:= <<Graphics`MultipleListPlot` In[2]:= (list1 = Table[{x, Sin[2 Pi x]}, {x, 0, 1, 0.1}]; list2 = Table[{x, Cos[2 Pi x]}, {x, 0, 1, 0.1}]); In[3]:= mlp = MultipleListPlot[list1, list2, PlotJoined -> True] In[4]:= JavaView[mlpp] |
Compare with Mathematica |
Draws two-dimensional vector fields on a planar domain.
The two components of this vector field are given by sin(x) and cos(y). | In[1]:= <<Graphics`PlotField` In[2]:= gv = PlotVectorField[{Sin[x], Cos[y]}, {x, 0, Pi}, {y, 0, Pi}]; In[3]:= JavaView[gv] |
Compare with Mathematica |
This will show a map of Africa. | In[1]:= <<Miscellaneous`WorldPlot` In[2]:= a = WorldPlot[{Africa, RandomColors}, WorldProjection -> Sinusoidal] In[3]:= JavaView[a] |
Compare with Mathematica |
Showing Graphs
This packages provides the Graph object which consists of a set of vertices and its adjacency matrix. Several commands produce and modify such graphs.
The command ShowGraph[] converts a Graph object in a Graphics object containing points and lines as a set of separate graphics primitives.
The adjacency matrix is stored in full size in the Graph object.
JavaView receives a graph as two separate geometries, a point set and a polygon set. The point set is obsolete if the the vertices of the polygon set are made visible.
In[1]:= <<DiscreteMath`Combinatorica` In[2]:= sg = ShowGraph[GridGraph[3, 3]] In[3]:= | JavaView[sg]
Compare with Mathematica |
Plot of the Voronoi diagram of given points. | In[1]:= <<DiscreteMath`ComputationalGeometry` In[2]:= data2D = {{4.4, 14}, {6.7, 15.25}, {6.9, 12.8}, {2.1, 11.1}, {9.5, 14.9}, {13.2, 11.9}, {10.3, 12.3}, {6.8, 9.5}, {3.3, 7.7}, {0.6, 5.1}, {5.3, 2.4}, {8.45, 4.7}, {11.5, 9.6}, {13.8, 7.3}, {12.9, 3.1}, {11, 1.1}}; In[3]:= v = DiagramPlot[data2D]; In[4]:= JavaView[v] |
Compare with Mathematica |
This shows a graphical representation of a tree with 10 nodes. | In[1]:= <<DiscreteMath`Tree` In[2]:= tp = TreePlot[MakeTree[Range[10]]] In[3]:= JavaView[tp] |
Compare with Mathematica |