5. Working with Basic Options
Basic Options / Plot
PlotRange is an option for graphics functions that specifies what points to include in a plot. | In[1]:=
pr = Graphics3D[Stellate[Dodecahedron[]],
PlotRange -> {All, {0., 2.}, {-0.7, 0.5}}]; Show[pr] In[2]:= JavaView[pr] |
Compare with Mathematica |
AspectRatio allows to scale the display in x and y direction, after the image is computed. | In[1]:=
ar = Graphics3D[Stellate[Dodecahedron[]],
AspectRatio -> 0.5] Show[ar] In[2]:= JavaView[ar] |
Compare with Mathematica |
PlotLabel is an option for graphics functions that specifies an overall label for a plot. | In[1]:=
pl = Graphics3D[Stellate[Dodecahedron[]],
PlotLabel -> "Stellated Dodecahedron"]; Show[pl] In[2]:= JavaView[pl] |
Compare with Mathematica |
Basic Options / Axes
Flag for graphics functions if axes are drawn. | In[1]:=
sa = Graphics3D[Stellate[Dodecahedron[]], Axes ->
True]; Show[sa] In[2]:= JavaView[sa] |
Compare with Mathematica |
Assign axes labels. | In[1]:=
al = Graphics3D[Stellate[Dodecahedron[]], Axes ->
True, AxesLabel -> {"a", "b", "c"}] Show[al] In[2]:= JavaView[al] |
Compare with Mathematica |
Specifies position and labels of ticks at axes. | In[1]:=
tic = Graphics3D[Stellate[Dodecahedron[]], Ticks
-> {Automatic, None, {{1.2, "+6/5", {0.05, 0.01}}, {0., "Null"}}}, Axes
-> True] Show[tic] In[2]:= JavaView[tic] |
Compare with Mathematica |
AxesOrigin is an option for twodimensional graphics functions which specifies where any axes drawn should cross. | In[1]:=
ao = Plot[4x^2, {x, -1, 1}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 1}] Show[ao] In[2]:= JavaView[ao] |
Compare with Mathematica |
AxesStyle is an option for graphics functions which specifies how axes should be rendered. | In[1]:=
as = Graphics3D[Stellate[Dodecahedron[]], Axes ->
True, AxesStyle -> {{RGBColor[1, 0, 0], Thickness[0.01]}, {RGBColor[0,
0, 1], Thickness[0.01], Dashing[{0.05, 0.05}]}, {RGBColor[0, 1, 0],
Thickness[0.01]}}] Show[as] In[2]:= JavaView[as] |
Compare with Mathematica |