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ddf_dUdU(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
ddf_dUdV(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
ddf_dVdV(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
DEBUG - Static variable in class jv.object.PsDebug
Determines if JavaView runs in debug mode.
decompose() - Method in class jvx.vector.PwHodge
Initiates minimization of the two energies that produce the three parts of the decomposition.
decreaseKey(int, double) - Method in class jvx.util.PuPriorityQueue
Decrease the key assigned to an element and reorder the heap.
DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR - Static variable in class jvx.number.PuHistogram
DEFAULT_FONT_LABELS - Static variable in class jvx.number.PuHistogram
deleteColumn(int) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnSparseMatrix
Delete the col-th row from the sparse matrix.
deleteRow(int) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnSparseMatrix
Delete the i-th row from the sparse matrix.
DENSE - Static variable in class jvx.numeric.PnBandEigenSolver
fields determing type of matrix for that a band can be computed
deriveTexture(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PgUtil
Compute two vector fields as the gradients of the actual textures.
destroy() - Method in interface jv.project.PvViewerIf
Called from an applet.destroy() method to perform clean-up when applet gets destroyed.
destroy() - Method in class jv.viewer.PvViewer
Called from an applet.destroy() method to perform clean-up when applet is destroyed.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.object.PsApplet
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.eventCamera.PaEventCamera
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MyApplet
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.height.PaHeight
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.key.PaKeyframe
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.linear.PaLinear
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.loader.PaLoader
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.lsystem.PaLSystem
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.model.PaModel
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.ode.PaExprOde
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.parm.PaParmSurface
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.parmCurve.PaParmCurve
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.pick.PaPickEvent
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.polygonSet.PaPolygonSet
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.rivara.PaRivara
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.rootFinder.PaRootFinder
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.ruler.PaRuler
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.sizeEdge.PaSizeEdge
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.sizePolygon.PaSizePolygon
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.sizeVertex.PaSizeVertex
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.subdivision.PaSubdivision
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.texture.PaTextureCube
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.texture.PaTexturedSurface
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.torusknot.PaTorusKnot
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.transform.PaTransform
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
destroy() - Method in class vgp.tutor.vectorField.PaVectorField
Does clean-up when applet is destroyed by the browser.
det() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdMatrix
Compute determinant square matrix with dimensions less or equal four.
det(PdVector[]) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Compute determinant of a frame of n vectors in R^n.
det(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Compute determinant of a frame of three vectors in R^3.
det33() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdMatrix
Compute determinant of (3*3) left upper block of matrix.
DETECT_SADDLES - Static variable in class jvx.vector.PwHodge
DETECT_SINKS_SOURCES - Static variable in class jvx.vector.PwHodge
DETECT_VORTICES - Static variable in class jvx.vector.PwHodge
determinant() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PcMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix.
determinant(double[][], int) - Static method in class jvx.numeric.PnMatrix
Compute determinant of a given NxN matrix A.
df(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
df_dU(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
Buffered versions, used by all other classes, should not be overwritten.
df_dV(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
dfrprmn(PdVector, double, PnFunction) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnConjugateGradient
Perform several energy minimization steps using a conjugate gradient method.
diffEquation(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnOde
Method should be overwritten y an application with problem dependent ODE.
diffEquation(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnOdeExpr
diffEquation(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class vgp.curve.common.PnAsymptOde
diffEquation(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class vgp.curve.common.PnGeodesicOde
diffEquation(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class vgp.curve.common.PnPrincipalCurvatureOde
diffEquation(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class vgp.curve.common.PnShadeOde
diffEquation(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class vgp.curve.elastic.PnElasticCurvature
diffEquation(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class vgp.curve.elastic.PnElasticOde
diffKlein2Lorentz(PdMatrix, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuProj
Compute differential of projection map of H3 from Klein ball into Lorentz model at given point in Klein ball.
diffPoincare2Lorentz(PdMatrix, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuProj
Compute differential of projection map of H3 from Poincare ball into Lorentz model at given point in Poincare ball.
diffStereoInvR3_to_S3(PdMatrix, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuProj
Compute differential of inverse stereographic projection R3 to S3.
diffStereoS3_to_R3(PdMatrix, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuProj
Compute differential of stereographic projection S3 to R3 with projection center (1,0,0,0).
DIJKSTRA - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwMatching
One of the pre-matching types.
dijkstraMatching() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMatching
Generate dijkstra distances for the vertices and match triangles, that share a common edge of the dijkstra level lines; somewhere triangles might have more possible matching partners, these will matched to one of them.
DIR_LIST - Static variable in class jv.loader.PjImportModel
Name of file containing list of model files in each directory.
DIRICHLET - Static variable in class jvx.numeric.PnEnergyMinimizer
DISPLAY - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
dispose() - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Disposes of this graphics context.
dispose() - Method in class jv.project.PjProject
Disconnect all links to other classes and prepare for deletion.
dispose() - Method in class jvx.geom.PnExplode_Dialog
Dispose dialog window.
dispose() - Method in class vgp.vector.hodge.PjHodge
disposeConsole() - Static method in class jv.object.PsDebug
Dispose console window, e.g. when applet stops, remove textArea and reset variables.
dist(PdBary, PdBary) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdBary
Distance of two points.
dist(PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Distance of two points.
dist(PdVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Euclidean distance dist = |this-v|.
dist(PiVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Euclidean distance dist = |this-v|.
dist(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuLorentz
Distance of two points in Lorentz model of hyperbolic space.
dist(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuMath
Return distance between two vectors given as double arrays.
distMinkowski(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuLorentz
Compute distance of two points in Minkowski space by taking euclidean different and norm with respect to signature metric.
distOfLineToLine(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuVectorGeom
Compute distance of line to line.
distOfPointToLine(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuVectorGeom
Compute distance of point to line.
distOfPointToPlane(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuVectorGeom
Compute distance of point to plane.
distToOrigin(PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuLorentz
Distance of a point and the origin in Lorentz model of hyperbolic space.
distVectorOfLineToLine(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuVectorGeom
Compute shortest distance vector of line to line.
distVectorOfPointToLine(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuVectorGeom
Compute shortest distance vector of point to line.
distVectorOfPointToPlane(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuVectorGeom
Compute shortest distance vector of point to plane.
div(PuComplex, PuComplex) - Static method in class jv.number.PuComplex
w = u / v In case of zero division the following result occurs: If |v|==0. and u.re==0 then w.re==Double.NaN.
div(double, PuComplex) - Static method in class jv.number.PuComplex
w = r / v In case of zero division the following result occurs: If |v|==0. and r==0 then w.re==Double.NaN.
div(PuComplex) - Method in class jv.number.PuComplex
this /=v In case of zero division the following result occurs: If |v|==0. and re==0 then re==Double.NaN.
div(PuComplex, double) - Static method in class jv.number.PuComplex
w = u / r In case of zero division the following result occurs: If |r|==0. and re==0 then re==Double.NaN.
div(double) - Method in class jv.number.PuComplex
this /= r In case of zero division the following result occurs: If |r|==0. and re==0 then re==Double.NaN.
DIV - Static variable in class jv.thirdParty.expr.Expr
Binary operator.
dN(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
dN_dU(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
dN_dV(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
DODECAHEDRON - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
doImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver, Color) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
DOMAIN - Static variable in class vgp.discrete.harmonic.PgSurfacePair
Identifiers of surfaces handle in data structure PgSurfacePair.
DOMAIN_POLAR - Static variable in class jvx.surface.PgDomain
Type of domain, rectangular or polar.
DOMAIN_RECTANGULAR - Static variable in class jvx.surface.PgDomain
Type of domain, rectangular (default) or polar.
done() - Method in class jvx.thirdParty.acmeGui.BusyBox
dot(PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Scalar product of two given vectors.
dot(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Scalar product of two vectors v:=q-p and w:=r-p determined by given vertices.
dot(PdVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Compute scalar product with argument vector.
dot(PiVector, PiVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Scalar product of two vectors.
dot(PiVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Compute scalar product with argument vector.
dot(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuLorentz
Scalar product of two vectors in Lorentz model of hyperbolic space.
dot(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuMath
Return dot product of two vectors given as double arrays.
dotDir(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Scalar product of two vectors v and w:=q-p determined by given vertices.
doubleToString(double, int, int) - Static method in class jv.number.PuString
Converts a double to a string with given number of mantissa digits in non exponential form.
doubleToString(double, int) - Static method in class jv.number.PuString
Converts a double to a String with given number of mantissa digits in exponential form '-d.dddddEdd' or ' d.dddddEdd'.
dragCamera(PvCameraEvent) - Method in interface jv.project.PvCameraListenerIf
Get camera position and viewing direction when a mouse drag event has occurred.
dragCamera(PvCameraEvent) - Method in class jv.thirdParty.ruler.PgAxes
Get camera events resulting from dragging the mouse.
dragCamera(PvCameraEvent) - Method in class jvx.math.MathCameraListener
Get camera position and viewing direction when a mouse drag event has occurred.
dragCamera(PvCameraEvent) - Method in class vgp.tutor.eventCamera.PjEventCamera
Get camera events resulting from dragging the mouse.
dragDisplay(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jv.project.PjProject
Drag a location in the display with 2d display and 3d world coordinates.
dragDisplay(PvPickEvent) - Method in interface jv.project.PvPickListenerIf
Drag a location in the display with 2d display and 3d world coordinates.
dragDisplay(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Drag a location in the display with 2d display and 3d world coordinates.
dragDisplay(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesic
Drag a location in the display with 2d display and 3d world coordinates.
dragDisplay(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesicFlow
dragDisplay(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMarkWithSphere
Drag a location in the display with 2d display and 3d world coordinates.
dragDisplay(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.math.MathPickListener
Drag a location in the display with 2d display and 3d world coordinates.
dragDisplay(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLine
dragDisplay(PvPickEvent) - Method in class vgp.tutor.ruler.PjRuler
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jv.project.PjProject
Drag an arbitrary point along a geometry, point may lie inside an element.
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in interface jv.project.PvPickListenerIf
Drag an arbitrary point along a geometry, point may lie inside an element.
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Drag an arbitrary point along a geometry, point may lie inside an element.
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesic
Drag an arbitrary point along a geometry, point may lie inside an element.
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesicFlow
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMarkWithSphere
Drag an arbitrary point along a geometry, point may lie inside an element.
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.math.MathPickListener
Drag an arbitrary point along a geometry, point may lie inside an element.
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLine
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class vgp.curve.elastic.PjElasticCurve
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class vgp.discrete.ellipse.PjEllipse
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class vgp.tutor.ode.PjExprOde
dragInitial(PvPickEvent) - Method in class vgp.vector.translation.PjTranslation
dragVertex(PgGeometryIf, int, PdVector) - Method in class jv.project.PjProject
Drag a picked vertex of a geometry.
dragVertex(PgGeometryIf, int, PdVector) - Method in interface jv.project.PvPickListenerIf
Drag a picked vertex of a geometry.
dragVertex(PgGeometryIf, int, PdVector) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Drag a picked vertex of a geometry.
dragVertex(PgGeometryIf, int, PdVector) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesic
Drag a picked vertex of a geometry.
dragVertex(PgGeometryIf, int, PdVector) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesicFlow
dragVertex(PgGeometryIf, int, PdVector) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMarkWithSphere
Drag a picked vertex of a geometry.
dragVertex(PgGeometryIf, int, PdVector) - Method in class jvx.math.MathPickListener
Drag a picked vertex of a geometry.
dragVertex(PgGeometryIf, int, PdVector) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLine
dragVertex(PgGeometryIf, int, PdVector) - Method in class vgp.curve.closedpoly.PjClosedPoly
draw3DRect(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws a highlighted 3-D rectangle.
DRAW_ORDER_BACK - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvGeometryIf
Draw geometry in a back layer of a display, for example, to draw in the background.
DRAW_ORDER_FRONT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvGeometryIf
Draw geometry in a front layer of a display, for example, to enforce its drawing.
DRAW_ORDER_STANDARD - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvGeometryIf
Draw geometry as part of a scene where different geometries may obscure each other.
drawArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws an arc bounded by the specified rectangle from startAngle to endAngle. 0 degrees is at the 3-o'clock position.Positive arc angles indicate counter-clockwise rotations, negative arc angles are drawn clockwise.
drawBorder(Graphics, int, Rectangle) - Static method in class jv.object.PsPanel
Draw a rectangle into the given graphics context.
drawBorder(Graphics, int, Rectangle, Color) - Static method in class jv.object.PsPanel
Draw a rectangle into the given graphics context with given color.
drawBorder(Graphics, int) - Method in class jv.object.PsPanel
Draw border around this panel.
drawBorder(Component, Graphics, int) - Static method in class jv.object.PsPanel
use static void PsPanel.drawBorder(Graphics, borderType, Rectangle);
drawBytes(byte[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws the specified bytes using the current font and color.
drawChars(char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws the specified characters using the current font and color.
drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws the specified image at the specified coordinate (x, y).
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws the specified image inside the specified rectangle.
drawImage(Image, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws the specified image at the specified coordinate (x, y).
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws the specified image inside the specified rectangle.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
drawImage(Graphics, Component, Image) - Static method in class jvx.thirdParty.acmeGui.GuiUtils
Draw a centered image.
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws a line between the coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
drawMessage(String) - Method in class vgp.object.PsApplet
Set message string to be drawn in applet while loading.
drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws an oval inside the specified rectangle using the current color.
drawPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws a polygon defined by an array of x points and y points.
drawPolygon(Polygon) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws a polygon defined by the specified point.
drawPolyline(int[], int[], int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws the outline of the specified rectangle using the current color.
drawRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws an outlined rounded corner rectangle using the current color.
drawString(String, int, int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws the specified String using the current font and color.
drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int) - Method in class jv.loader.PSGr
Draws the text given by the specified iterator, using this graphics context's current color.
drawText(Graphics, Point, String) - Method in class jv.object.PsPanel
Draw text at specified position.
dual(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwModel
Get the dual PgElementSet: Each vertex will be replaced by an element, having the center points of the adjacent elements as vertices; new boundary elements get two additional vertices at the boundary edge midpoints, if the vertex had only one adjacent element, the new element will contain also the old vertex.
DUAL - Static variable in class vgp.discrete.conformal.PjConformal
DUAL - Static variable in class vgp.discrete.harmonic.PgSurfacePair
DUAL_FULL - Static variable in class vgp.discrete.harmonic.PgSurfacePair
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