- m_aAnteile - Variable in class jv.objectGui.PsScanline
- m_anim - Variable in class jvx.geom.PwExplode
- m_backgroundImageFile - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Background image for display.
- m_bAutoIdentify - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Determines if automatic identification of vertices is enabled during file import.
- m_bAutoNeighbour - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Determines if neighbour information is automatically computed during file import.
- m_bAutoNormals - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Determines if normal vectors are automatically computed during file import.
- m_bConsoleUsable - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
- m_bControlUsable - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
- m_bConvertDoubleToFloat - Static variable in class jv.number.PuString
HACK: flag if methods PuString.toString(double ..) convert
doubles to floats in order to reduce file size.
- m_bDebugOn - Variable in class jvx.rsrc.JarResources
External debug flag.
- m_bFastClipping - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Determines if fast clipping is performed during rendering.
- m_bFilterVertices - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Determines if only every 100th vertex is loaded, requires m_bOnlyVertices==true.
- m_bGenerateVertexMap - Variable in class jvx.geom.PwSimplify
Flag to generate an index map from original geometry vertices to the coarse vertices they are collapsed to.
- m_bInsecureKeyRelease - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
A flag checking if a keyReleased event still has to be checked.
- m_bInstanceSharing - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Determines if a geometry and its PvGeometry display container may share instance variables.
- m_bOnlyVertices - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Determines if only vertices of a geometry are loaded.
- m_bPrioritiseByEdgeLength - Variable in class jvx.geom.PwSimplify
Flag to use edge lengths as priority keys.
- m_consoleVisible - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
- m_controlVisible - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
- m_cubeElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_cubeOctahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_cubeOctahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_cubeVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_data - Variable in class jv.vecmath.PbVector
Data array containing the components of the vector.
- m_data - Variable in class jv.vecmath.PcMatrix
Data array containing the components of the vector.
- m_data - Variable in class jv.vecmath.PdBary
Array with barycentric coordinates, sum of entries must be 1.
- m_data - Variable in class jv.vecmath.PdBaryDir
Array with barycentric coordinates, sum of entries must be 1.
- m_data - Variable in class jv.vecmath.PdMatrix
Data array containing the components of the vector.
- m_data - Variable in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Data array containing the components of the vector.
- m_data - Variable in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Data array containing the components of the vector.
- m_defaultVariable - Static variable in class jvx.numeric.PnOdeExpr
- m_defBackgroundImageFile - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Default background image for display.
- m_defBlocks - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwBlocks
Default texture for quadrilateral and higher elements.
- m_defDijkstraTexture - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwTexture
Default texture for triangular elements.
- m_defForegroundImageFile - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Default foreground image for display.
- m_defQuadTexture - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwTexture
Default texture for quadrilateral and higher elements.
- m_defTrans - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Default transformation matrix is the product of projection and viewing matrix.
- m_defTransInv - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Default inverse of the transformation matrix.
- m_defTriTexture - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwTexture
Default texture for triangular elements.
- m_defView - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Default viewing matrix transforms the scene into normal coordinates.
- m_defViewInv - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Default inverse of the viewing matrix.
- m_dir - Variable in class jv.geom.PgBndConstraint
Unit direction of constraining line or unit normal of constraining plane.
- m_dodecahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_dodecahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_eAnteile - Variable in class jv.objectGui.PsScanline
- m_elementInd - Variable in class jv.vecmath.PdBary
May be used as the element of this point, defaults to -1.
- m_elementSetMethod - Variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- m_elementSetMethod - Variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- m_end - Variable in class jv.geom.PgBndConstraint
End point of boundary, last vertex.
- m_endDir - Variable in class jv.geom.PgBndConstraint
Special constraint for the last point of boundary, for example,
two adjacent planar curves force the common vertex to lie on the
straight line along which both plane intersect.
- m_eps - Variable in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonOnElementSet
This accuracy is actually used for zero-checks in barycentric coordinates (used e.g. in exp(...)).
- m_eps - Variable in class jvx.numeric.PnStraightestGeodesic
This accuracy is actually used for zero-checks in barycentric coordinates (used e.g. in exp(...)).
- m_foregroundImageFile - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Background image for display.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.eventCamera.PaEventCamera
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MyApplet
If variable m_frame!
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.height.PaHeight
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.key.PaKeyframe
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.linear.PaLinear
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.loader.PaLoader
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.model.PaModel
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.ode.PaExprOde
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.parm.PaParmSurface
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.parmCurve.PaParmCurve
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.pick.PaPickEvent
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.polygonSet.PaPolygonSet
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.rivara.PaRivara
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.rootFinder.PaRootFinder
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.ruler.PaRuler
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.sizeEdge.PaSizeEdge
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.sizePolygon.PaSizePolygon
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.sizeVertex.PaSizeVertex
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.slider.PaSlider
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.subdivision.PaSubdivision
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.texture.PaTextureCube
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.texture.PaTexturedSurface
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.torusknot.PaTorusKnot
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.transform.PaTransform
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet.
- m_frame - Variable in class vgp.tutor.vectorField.PaVectorField
frame if run standalone, null if run as applet
- m_geometryMethod - Variable in class jv.project.PgGeometry_Menu
- m_icosahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_icosahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_icosiDodecahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_icosiDodecahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_length - Variable in class jv.objectGui.PsScanline
Number of scanlines.
- m_markBy - Variable in class jvx.geom.PwLocalButterfly
- m_maxNumSteps - Variable in class jvx.geom.PwLocalButterfly
To steer the maximal number of refinement steps, when selecting for refinement by Gauss curvature.
- m_monitorMouse - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Monitor type determines the monitor mouse.
- m_monitorType - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Monitor type determines the monitor screen.
- m_noe - Variable in class jvx.numeric.PnStiffMatrix
Number of elements in surface.
- m_numLabelTypes - Static variable in interface jv.project.PgGeometryIf
Number of labal types such as PvGeometryIf.GEOM_ITEM_POINT, _EDGE, _POLYGON.
- m_numUserReflections - Variable in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrassDescr
Number of reflections added interactively by the user.
- m_octahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_octahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_osId - Static variable in class jv.object.PsConfig
Identifier of current operating system.
- m_percentage - Variable in class jvx.geom.PwLocalButterfly
To select the triangles with the greatest area for refinement.
- m_pointSetMethod - Variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- m_pointSetMethod - Variable in class jvx.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- m_polygonMethod - Variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- m_polygonMethod - Variable in class jvx.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- m_polygonSetMethod - Variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- m_polygonSetMethod - Variable in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- m_preComputedNoise - Variable in class jvx.numeric.PnNoise
- m_pseudoRhombiCubeOctahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_pseudoRhombiCubeOctahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_renderType - Static variable in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Determines render engine and choice of display canvas.
- m_rhombicDodecahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombicDodecahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombIcosiDodecahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombIcosiDodecahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombicTriacontahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombicTriacontahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombiCubeOctahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombiCubeOctahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombiTruncatedCubeElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombiTruncatedCubeVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombiTruncatedIcosahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_rhombiTruncatedIcosahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_scalarFieldName - Variable in class jvx.vector.PwScalarField
- m_sliderType - Variable in class jvx.geom.PwSimplify
- m_smat - Variable in class jvx.numeric.PnPreconditioner
- m_snubCubeElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_snubCubeVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_snubDodecahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_snubDodecahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_soccerBallElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_soccerBallVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_start - Variable in class jv.geom.PgBndConstraint
Start point of boundary, first vertex.
- m_startDir - Variable in class jv.geom.PgBndConstraint
Special constraint for the first point of boundary, for example,
two adjacent planar curves force the common vertex to lie on the
straight line along which both plane intersect.
- m_surfaceFileName - Static variable in class vgp.minimal.weier.PjWeierstrass
- m_tetrahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_tetrahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_tolerance - Variable in class jvx.geom.PwLocalButterfly
To steer the tolerance, when selecting for refinement by Gauss curvature.
- m_trans - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Transformation matrix is the product of projection and viewing matrix.
- m_transInv - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Inverse of the transformation matrix.
- m_transNon - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Non-perspective part of transformation matrix is the product of projection and viewing matrix.
- m_transNonInv - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Non-perspective part of inverse of the transformation matrix.
- m_truncatedCubeElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_truncatedCubeVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_truncatedDodecahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_truncatedDodecahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_truncatedTetrahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_truncatedTetrahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_truncOctahedronElements - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_truncOctahedronVertices - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic
- m_vec1 - Variable in class jv.geom.PgBndConstraint
Additional control vertex, meaning depends on current shape.
- m_vec2 - Variable in class jv.geom.PgBndConstraint
Additional control vertex, meaning depends on current shape.
- m_vertexMap - Variable in class jvx.geom.PwSimplify
Index map from original geometry vertices to the coarse vertices they are collapsed to.
- m_view - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Viewing matrix transforms the scene into normal coordinates.
- m_viewerScreen - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
- m_viewerVisible - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
- m_viewInv - Variable in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
Inverse of the viewing matrix.
- m_xa - Variable in class jv.objectGui.PsScanline
X-coordinates of scanlines. xa: head, xe: tail, both inclusive.
- m_xe - Variable in class jv.objectGui.PsScanline
X-coordinates of scanlines. xa: head, xe: tail, both inclusive.
- m_ymin - Variable in class jv.objectGui.PsScanline
Y-coordinate of first scanlines, next scanlines are m_ymin+1 etc.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuMath
Main method to test heapsort method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jvx.numeric.PnMatrix
Test routine for matrix inversion.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jvx.rsrc.JarResources
Is a test driver.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jvx.thirdParty.fonts.SystemFonts
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.curve.closedpoly.PaClosedPoly
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.curve.common.PaCurve
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.curve.cycloid.PaCycloid
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.curve.deCasteljau.PaDeCasteljau
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.curve.elastic.PaElasticCurve
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.curve.geodesic.PaGeodesic
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.curve.subdivision.PaSubdivisionCurve
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.curve.surface.PaSurfCurve
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.curve.zigzag.PaZigZag
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.discrete.conformal.PaConformal
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.discrete.conjugate.PaConjugate
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.discrete.curvature.PaCurvature
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.discrete.ellipse.PaEllipse
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.discrete.harmonic.PaHarmonic
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.discrete.lantern.PaLantern
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.discrete.maxPrinciple.PaMaxPrinciple
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.discrete.platonic.PaPlatonic
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.game.life.PaLife
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.game.mines.PaMinesweeper
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.game.snake.PaSnake
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.iterate.juliaSet.PaJuliaSet
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.iterate.juliaSet.PaJuliaSet
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.iterate.pythagoreanTree.PaPythagoreanTree
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.iterate.pythagoreanTree.PaPythagoreanTree
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.minimal.catenoid.PaCatenoid
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.minimal.helicoid.PaHelicoid
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PaWeierstrass
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.numeric.smooth.PaSmooth
Standalone application support.
- main(PsApplet, String[]) - Static method in class vgp.object.PsApplet
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.surface.common.PaSurface
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.surface.klein.PaKleinBottle
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.surface.rotation.PaRotation
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.color.PaColorDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.eventCamera.PaEventCamera
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.firstApplication.MyApplication
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MyApplet
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.height.PaHeight
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.key.PaKeyframe
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.linear.PaLinear
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.loader.PaLoader
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.lsystem.PaLSystem
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.model.PaModel
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.ode.PaExprOde
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.parm.PaParmSurface
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.parmCurve.PaParmCurve
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.pick.PaPickEvent
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.polygonSet.PaPolygonSet
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.rivara.PaRivara
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.rootFinder.PaRootFinder
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.ruler.PaRuler
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.sizeEdge.PaSizeEdge
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.sizePolygon.PaSizePolygon
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.sizeVertex.PaSizeVertex
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.slider.PaSlider
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.subdivision.PaSubdivision
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.texture.PaTextureCube
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.texture.PaTexturedSurface
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.torusknot.PaTorusKnot
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.transform.PaTransform
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.updatePanel.MyClass
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.tutor.vectorField.PaVectorField
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.vector.hodge.PaHodge
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.vector.lic.PaLIC
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.vector.rungeKutta.PaRungeKutta
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.vector.translation.PaTranslation
Standalone application support.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class vgp.volume.mc.PaMarchingCubes
Standalone application support.
- MAJORITY - Static variable in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
- make(String) - Static method in class jv.thirdParty.expr.Variable
Return the unique variable named `name', or create it if it does not exist yet.
- make_app1(int, Expr) - Static method in class jv.thirdParty.expr.Expr
Create a unary expression.
- make_app2(int, Expr, Expr) - Static method in class jv.thirdParty.expr.Expr
Create a binary expression.
- makeAlternatingQuadrConn(int, int, boolean) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Make quadrilateral connectivity with quadrilaterals being alternately triangulated.
- makeAlternatingQuadrConn(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class vgp.minimal.helicoid.PgHelicoid
Make quadrilateral connectivity with quadrilaterals being alternately triangulated.
- makeBaryDescription(PgElementSet, PdBary, int, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwBary
Try to make a barycentric description of a point w.r.t. a specidied element
in the geometry.
- makeBiNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Compute binormals at vertices which are orthogonal to both adjacent edges.
- makeBiNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Compute binormals at vertices which are orthogonal to both adjacent edges.
- makeBndConstraint(PgBndConstraint, int) - Method in class jvx.loader.PgMacroPatch
Compute the constraints of the boundary polygon with index anInd.
- makeBndPolygonLoop(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwTopology
- makeBndPolygonLoopWithoutEnds(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwTopology
- makeBoundary() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwBoundary
Generate boundary polygons for a PgElementSet.
- makeBoundary(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwBoundary
Generate boundary polygons for a PgElementSet.
- makeBoundaryConstraint(PgElementSet, int, double, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwBoundary
Make boundary constraints for an existing PgBndPolygon.
- makeBoundaryConstraints() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwBoundary
Make boundary constraints for existing PgBndPolygons.
- makeColorFromGaussCurvature(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwCurvature
Show discrete Gauss curvature at all vertices and elements.
- makeColorFromVectorLength() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Create color from the length of vectors of the selected vector field.
- makeCommonBaryDescription(PgElementSet, PdBary, PdBary, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwBary
Convert the barycentric coordinates of two points on a surface, such that they are described
w.r.t. the same triangle of the surface.
- makeConforming() - Method in class jv.geom.PgBndPolygon
Modify vertex indices of a boundary after elementSet has been made conforming again.
- makeConforming(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PnConjugate
Replace the edge based representation of an elementSet by restoring the
vertex based representation whose elements were saved in PgElementSet.
- makeConformingToFull(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PnConjugate
Generate a triangle mesh where each triangles has its own set of vertices,
and where the triangles are numbered in the same way as if the surface was
constructed by conjugation.
- makeCoronaInfluence() - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
For all cells store all cells touching vertices of the cell itself.
- makeCurvatureNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Compute normals at vertices as edge bisectors with length equal to (Pi-vertexAngle).
- makeCurvatureNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Compute normals at vertices as edge bisectors with length equal to (Pi-vertexAngle).
- makeCylinderConn(int, int) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Generate element and neighbourhood information for a cylindrical surface.
- makeDijkstraTexture(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwTexture
Generate element texture showing lines through all mid points
of edges with different Dijkstra values at their ends.
- makeEdgeColorsFromLength() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Create edge color from the polygon length ranging through hue rainbow.
- makeEdgeColorsFromXYZ() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Create color from the edge position within its bounding box
which is interpreted as RGB cube.
- makeEdgeColorsFromXYZ(PgJvxSrc, int, PdVector[]) - Static method in class jv.loader.PgMapleLoader
Create color from the edge position within its bounding box
which is interpreted as RGB cube.
- makeEdgeColorsFromZ() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging from low blue to high red.
- makeEdgeColorsFromZHue() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging through hue rainbow.
- makeEdgeFromVertexColors() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Create edge colors as average of the color of its two vertices.
- makeEdgeStars() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Generate list of edges from element information of a possibly non-manifold surface.
- makeEdgeStarsFromNeighbour() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Generate list of edges from the neighbourhood information of a possibly non-manifold surface.
- makeElement(int) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnLIC
Computes Line Integral Convolution texture along all integral lines that
begin in given element.
- makeElementColorsFromXYZ() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Create color from the element position within its bounding box
which is interpreted as RGB cube.
- makeElementColorsFromXYZ() - Method in class jv.project.PgJvxSrc
since JavaView 3.85.000, no replacement.
- makeElementColorsFromZ() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging from low blue to high red.
- makeElementColorsFromZHue() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging through hue rainbow.
- makeElementFromVertexColors() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Create element colors as average of all colors of its vertices.
- makeElementFromVertexColors() - Method in class jv.project.PgJvxSrc
this class no longer supports generation of colors, use geometry classes from jv.geom.*.
- makeElementFromVertexTexture() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Create element textures from vertex textures and remove vertex textures.
- makeElementInd() - Method in class jv.geom.PgBndPolygon
After the vertexInd have been assigned, this method fills
the elementInd vector by asking the triangulation for edges.
- makeElementNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Compute element normals from edge cross products.
- makeElementNormals() - Method in class jv.project.PgJvxSrc
Compute element normals from edge crossproducts.
- makeElementTextureCoords(PgElementSet, int) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwTexture
Calculates element texture coordinates for triangulation.
- makeFastElement(int, PdVector[], PdBaryDir[], double[], PdVector[], boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnLIC
First try to make LIC *VERY* fast :-), experimental.
- makeFastLIC() - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnLIC
First try to make LIC *VERY* fast :-), experimental.
- makeInfluence() - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Set list of influencing cells for all cells of the elementSet.
- makeIntegralLines() - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLineSet
Compute a set of integral lines, each beginning at the center of an element.
- makeIntegralLines(PgElementSet, PgVectorField, PgPolygonSet, double, int) - Static method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLineSet
Static method that computes a set of integral lines on the given geometry of
the given vector field.
- makeIntegralLines(PgElementSet, PgVectorField, PgPolygonSet, double, int, int) - Static method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLineSet
Static method that computes a set of integral lines on the given geometry of
the given vector field.
- makeIntegralLines(PgElementSet, PgVectorField, PgPolygonSet, double, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int[]) - Static method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLineSet
Static method that computes a set of integral lines on the given geometry of
the given vector field.
- makeIsocurves(PgElementSet, PdVector, PgPolygonSet, PdVector) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwReeb
Computes a set of isoCurves of a scalar field on a triangulated surface.
- makeIsolines() - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIsoline
Compute isolines of selected scalar field of geometry.
- makeIsolines(PgElementSet, PdVector, PgPolygonSet, PdVector) - Static method in class jvx.vector.PwIsoline
Computes a set of isolines of a scalar field on a triangulated surface.
- makeLayout() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh_IP
Makes the layout and fills the panel.
- makeLIC() - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnLIC
Computes LIC texture for all elements of geometry.
- makeManifold(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
Adapts the given input surface to be manifold, i.e. the stars of all vertices
become topological disks.
- makeNeighbour() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Generate neighbourhood information for a given manifold polyhedron.
- makeNeighbourInfluence() - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
For all cells store cell itself and all neighbour cells.
- makeNewVF(int) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwVectorField
Creates a new vector field, puts it onto the surface and selects it.
- makeNonConforming() - Method in class jv.geom.PgBndPolygon
Modify vertex indices of a boundary after elementSet has been made non-conforming.
- makeNonConforming(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PnConjugate
Replace the vertex based representation of an element set by a
representation which is based on edge midpoints.
- makeNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
since JavaView 3.50.002, use makeVertexNormals().
- makeNormals(int, double) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Compute normals at vertices which lie in the span of the adjacent edges.
- makeNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
since JavaView 3.50.002, use makeVertexNormals().
- makeNormals(int, double) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Compute normals at vertices which lie in the span of the adjacent edges.
- makeNormalsFromSurfaceNormals() - Method in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonOnElementSet
Create a (vertex-based) normal field along the curve from
the (vertex-based) normal field of the surface.
- makeNormalsFromSurfaceNormals(PgPolygonOnElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonOnElementSet
Create a (vertex-based) normal field along the curve from
the (vertex-based) normal field of the surface.
- makeOffsetNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Compute normals at vertices as edge bisectors whose tip lies on an offset==1 curve.
- makeOffsetNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Compute normals at vertices as edge bisectors whose tip lies on an offset==1 curve.
- makeOrientation(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
Try to generate a consistent orientation all elements of the PgElementSet according to the
orientation of all their neighbour elements.
- makePatchTexture(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwTexture
Assign same texture image to each element of a geometry.
- makePolygon(PgPolygon, int) - Method in class jvx.loader.PgMacroPatch
Compute the vertices of the boundary polygon with index anInd.
- makePolygonColorsFromLength() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Create polygon color from the polygon length ranging through hue rainbow.
- makePolygonColorsFromXYZ() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Create color from the edge position within its bounding box
which is interpreted as RGB cube.
- makePolygonColorsFromXYZ(PgJvxSrc, int, PdVector[]) - Static method in class jv.loader.PgMapleLoader
Create color from the edge position within its bounding box
which is interpreted as RGB cube.
- makePolygonColorsFromZ() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging from low blue to high red.
- makePolygonColorsFromZHue() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging through hue rainbow.
- makePolygonFromVertexColors() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Create polygon colors as average of the color of its vertices.
- makeQuadrangulation() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMatching
Find in a triangulation pairs of matched triangles, indicated by beeing each other's
0-th neighbour, and jaoin those to quadrangles.
- makeQuadrBnd(int, int) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Generate boundary information for a quadrilateral surface.
- makeQuadrConn(int, int) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Generate element and neighbourhood information for a quadrilateral surface.
- makeQuadrConn(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jv.project.PgJvxSrc
Generate element information for a quadrilateral surface.
- makeQuadrConn(int, int) - Method in class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MySurface
Generate element and neighbourhood information for a quadrilateral surface.
- makeQuadrElementTexture(int, int) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Generate default element texture in [0,1]*[0,1] for a quadrilateral surface.
- makeQuadrVertexTexture(int, int) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Generate default vertex texture in [0,1]*[0,1] for a quadrilateral surface.
- makeRotation(PdMatrix, PdVector, double) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuReflect
Assign a (3*3)-rotation matrix to rotate around axis through origin with given angle.
- makeScanlines(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class jv.objectGui.PsScanline
A triangle in pixel space is digitized in a set of horizontal scanlines.
- makeSurface() - Method in class jvx.surface.PgGraph
Recompute surface vertices after domain or function have changed.
- makeTangent() - Method in class jv.geom.PgVectorField
Projects the vectors into plane of their base elements
(element based vector fields), or to the plane orthogonal
to the vertex normal (vertex based vector fields, geometry must
have vertex normals, otherwise this method simply returns).
- makeTexture() - Method in class jvx.vector.PwRotDiv
- makeThresholdTexture(PgElementSet, PdVector, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwTexture
Generate element texture by scalar data per vertex and a threshold value.
- makeThresholdTexture(PgElementSet, PdVector[], double[]) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwTexture
Generate element texture by two sets of scalar data per vertex and two thresholds.
- makeTriangleBnd(int) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Generate the boundary of a macro triangle where all
edges are subdivided into 'discr' points.
- makeTriangleConn(int) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Generate the connectivity for a macro triangle where all
edges are subdivided into 'discr' points.
- makeVertexColorsFromLength() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Create vertex color from the polygon length ranging through hue rainbow.
- makeVertexColorsFromLength() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Create vertex color from the polygon length ranging through hue rainbow.
- makeVertexColorsFromXYZ() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Create color from the vertex position within its bounding box
which is interpreted as RGB cube.
- makeVertexColorsFromXYZ(PgJvxSrc, int, PdVector[]) - Static method in class jv.loader.PgMapleLoader
Create color from the edge position within its bounding box
which is interpreted as RGB cube.
- makeVertexColorsFromZ() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging from low blue to high red.
- makeVertexColorsFromZ(PgJvxSrc, Color, Color, PdVector[]) - Static method in class jv.loader.PgMapleLoader
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging from low blue to high red.
- makeVertexColorsFromZHue() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging through hue rainbow.
- makeVertexColorsFromZHue(PgJvxSrc, PdVector[]) - Static method in class jv.loader.PgMapleLoader
Create color from the vertical z-height within its bounding box
ranging through hue rainbow.
- makeVertexFromEdgeColors() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Create vertex colors as average of color of all adjacent edges.
- makeVertexFromElementColors() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Create vertex colors as average of individual color of all adjacent elements.
- makeVertexFromPolygonColors() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Create vertex colors as average of color of all adjacent polygons.
- makeVertexNeighbours(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PgVertexStar
Generate a PiVector[] which contains a list of adjacent vertices for each
vertex of the geometry.
- makeVertexNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Compute vertex normals from adjacent elements (without using element normals).
- makeVertexNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Check existence and allocate vertex array structure.
- makeVertexNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Compute normals at vertices as edge bisectors with unit length.
- makeVertexNormals() - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Compute normals at vertices as edge bisectors with unit length.
- makeVertexNormals() - Method in class jv.project.PgJvxSrc
Compute vertex normals by adding all adjacent corner element normals, and final normalization.
- makeVertexStar(PgElementSet, int, int) - Method in class jvx.geom.PgVertexStar
Create the vertex star of a vertex of an element set.
- makeVertexTextureFromBndBox(int, int) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Create vertex texture from a plane of the bounding box.
- makeVertexTextureFromCylinder(PdVector, PdVector) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Create vertex texture from cylinder with given axis.
- makeVertexTextureFromSphere(PdVector) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Create vertex texture from sphere with given center.
- makeVertexTextureFromUV(int, int, int) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Create vertex texture of a parametrized surface with (u,v)-grid.
- makeVertexTextureFromUV() - Method in class jvx.surface.PgParmSurface
Create vertex texture of a parametrized surface based on (u,v)-discretization of domain.
- makeVertexTextureFromUV() - Method in class jvx.surface.PgSurfaceOfRotation
Create vertex texture of surface.
- makeVertices() - Method in class jvx.surface.PgGraph
Recompute graph vertices after domain or surface have changed.
- markBnd(int) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass
Find boundary polygon touching element with given index.
- markBoundary() - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Tag all boundary vertices as those.
- markBoundaryEndPoints() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
Mark all start and end vertices of a PgElementSets boundary Polygons
with the tag PsObject.IS_SELECTED.
- markBoundaryEndPoints(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
Mark all start and end vertices of a PgElementSets boundary Polygons
with the tag PsObject.IS_SELECTED.
- markBySize() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwLocalButterfly
Select the triangles with the greatest area.
- markCornerVertices(double) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
Search in a PgElementSet for boundary vertices with surface angle less
than a threshold value (in degrees) and mark those with the tag PsObject.IS_SELECTED.
- markCornerVertices(PgElementSet, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
Search in a PgElementSet for boundary vertices with surface angle less
than a threshold value (in degrees) and mark those with the tag PsObject.IS_SELECTED.
- markElement(int) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Set an element to the next state.
- markElement(int, int) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Set an element to a given state.
- markFlatEdges(PgElementSet, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
since JavaView 3.99.003, use PwIdentify.markFlatEdges(PgElementSet, double) instead.
- markFlatEdges(PgElementSet, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwIdentify
Mark pairs of adjacent elements whose dihedral angle is less than
a given threshold.
- markFlatRegions(PgElementSet, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
since JavaView 3.99.003, use PwIdentify.markFlatRegions(PgElementSet, double) instead.
- markFlatRegions(PgElementSet, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwIdentify
Mark flat regions by identifying adjacent elements whose dihedral
angle is less or equal than a given threshold.
- markGlider(int, int) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Set a glider upon an elementSet with quadrilateral connectivity.
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jv.project.PjProject
Mark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in interface jv.project.PvPickListenerIf
Mark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Mark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
- markVertices(double) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
since JavaView 3.99.003, use PwIdentify.markVertices(double) instead.
- markVertices(PgPointSet, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
since JavaView 3.99.003, use PwIdentify.markVertices(PgPointSet, double) instead.
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesic
Mark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesicFlow
- markVertices(double) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwIdentify
Mark vertices which are identical, or within an epsilon box of each other.
- markVertices(PgPointSet, double) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwIdentify
Mark vertices which are identical, or within an epsilon box of each other.
- markVertices() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMarkWithSphere
Mark vertices on geometry, that are inside a sphere.
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMarkWithSphere
Mark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.math.MathPickListener
Mark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLine
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class vgp.iterate.juliaSet.PjJuliaSet
Method is called from display when user drags a rectangular array.
- markVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class vgp.iterate.juliaSet.PjJuliaSet
Method is called from display when user drags a rectangular array.
- match() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMatching
Invoke a matching of triangles and turn triangles according to the matching.
- matchAllInner() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMatching
Invoke a Matching of all inner triangles.
- matchPattern(String, String) - Static method in class jv.number.PuString
Checks whether a string matches a given wildcard pattern.
- MATERIAL - Static variable in class jv.object.PsPanel
Name of default material panel under which panel is registered in panel list.
- MATERIAL - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MATERIAL_EXT - Static variable in class jv.object.PsPanel
File name suffix of material panel class to name of base class.
- MathCameraListener - Class in jvx.math
Listener to receive events of camera in display to invoke Mathematica commands.
- MathCameraListener() - Constructor for class jvx.math.MathCameraListener
- MathListener - Class in jvx.math
Superclass for all event listeners of JavaView supplies adapter functionality
to invoke Mathematica functions whenever a JavaView listener method is invoked.
- MathListener() - Constructor for class jvx.math.MathListener
Constructor tries to get Math-Link connection.
- MathPickListener - Class in jvx.math
Listener to receive pick events of the display to invoke Mathematica commands.
- MathPickListener() - Constructor for class jvx.math.MathPickListener
- MathTimerListener - Class in jvx.math
Listener to receive time events of a ticker to invoke Mathematica commands.
- MathTimerListener() - Constructor for class jvx.math.MathTimerListener
- MathUpdateListener - Class in jvx.math
Listener for update mechanism of JavaView to invoke Mathematica commands.
- MathUpdateListener() - Constructor for class jvx.math.MathUpdateListener
- MATRIX_AMBIENT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of geometry ambient modeling matrix used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_INV_AMBIENT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of inverse geometry ambient modeling matrix used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_INV_MODEL - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of inverse geometry modeling matrix used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_INV_PROJECT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of inverse projection matrix used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_INV_PROJECT_NON - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of inverse projection matrix used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_INV_PROJVIEW - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of inverse transformation matrix PV^-1 used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_INV_PROJVIEW_NON - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of inverse transformation matrix PV^-1 used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_INV_TRANS - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of inverse full transformation matrix PVM^-1 used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_INV_TRANS_NON - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of inverse full transformation matrix PVM^-1 used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_INV_VIEW - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of inverse camera viewing matrix used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_MODEL - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of geometry modeling matrix used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_PROJECT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of projection matrix used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_PROJECT_NON - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of projection matrix used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_PROJVIEW - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of transformation matrix PV used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_PROJVIEW_NON - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of transformation matrix PV used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_TRANS - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of full transformation matrix PVM used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_TRANS_NON - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of full transformation matrix PVM used by cameras and display.
- MATRIX_VIEW - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Type of camera viewing matrix used by cameras and display.
- max() - Method in class jv.number.PdColor
Find maximal value of component in color.
- max(PdVector, PdVector[], int) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Find the maximum of an array of vectors in each component.
- max(PdVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Find the maximum of this and a comparison vector in each component
and adjust the minimum in each component of this vector.
- max() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Find maximal value of component in vector.
- max(PiVector, PiVector[], int) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Find the maximum of an array of vectors in each component.
- max() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Find maximum value in vector.
- MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - Static variable in class jv.object.PsDebug
Determines the message type 'message'.
- MAX_NUM_ITEMS - Static variable in class jv.objectGui.PsToolbar
- maxAbs() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Find maximal absolute value of component in vector.
- maxAbs() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Find maximal absolute value of component in vector.
- MEDIUM_INFO_PANEL - Static variable in class jv.loader.PjImportModel
Identifies the medium sized import inspector panel with selection
from a list of geometry files.
- MEMORY - Static variable in class jv.object.PsDebug
Determines if JavaView performs memory measurements.
- MENU_DISPLAY_ADD_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to add new elements to geometry.
- MENU_DISPLAY_ADD_VERTEX - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to add new points of geometries.
- MENU_DISPLAY_DELETE_GEOMETRY - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to delete items or geometries.
- MENU_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_PICK - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to select initial points in display without picking geometries.
- MENU_DISPLAY_DRAWING - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode allows to draw sketches in the display which are then converted to strokes.
- MENU_DISPLAY_INITIAL_PICK - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to select initial points on geometries.
- MENU_DISPLAY_MARK_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to mark a set of elements on geometries.
- MENU_DISPLAY_MARK_VERTEX - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to mark a set of points on geometries.
- MENU_DISPLAY_ORBIT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to rotate geometry.
- MENU_DISPLAY_PICK_VERTEX - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to pick and modify vertices.
- MENU_DISPLAY_SCALE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to scale geometry by zooming.
- MENU_DISPLAY_SCALE_RECT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to scale geometry by zooming into a specified rectangle.
- MENU_DISPLAY_TRANSLATE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to (x,y)-translate geometry.
- MENU_DISPLAY_TRANSLATE_Z - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to z-translate geometry.
- MENU_DISPLAY_UNMARK_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to mark a set of elements on geometries.
- MENU_DISPLAY_UNMARK_VERTEX - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to unmark a set of points on surfaces.
- MENU_DISPLAY_VERTICAL - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Major mode in display to rotate geometry around vertical z-axis.
- MENU_FILE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
File Menu for loading projects, data ....
- MENU_FILE_CLOSE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXIT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_BYU - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_FE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_GIF - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_JPG - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_JVD - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_JVX - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_JVX_SMALL - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
no longer supported.
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_MA - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_MGS - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_MPL - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_OBJ - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_OFF - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_PDF - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_PLY - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_POV - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_PPM - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_STL - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_U3D - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_VRML - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
since 3.95.012, use MENU_FILE_EXPORT_WRL instead.
- MENU_FILE_EXPORT_WRL - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_IMPORT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_IMPORT_DISK - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_IMPORT_JVD - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_IMPORT_SER - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_IMPORT_VGP - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_NEW - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_NEW_DISPLAY - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_NEW_GEOMETRY - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_NEW_PROJECT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_PRINT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_PRINT_EPS - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_PRINT_PS - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_FILE_SUBMIT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_HELP - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Menu with help information.
- MENU_HELP_ABOUT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Show 'About' dialog
- MENU_HELP_APPLET - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Help on current applet.
- MENU_HELP_FONTS - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Show system fonts.
- MENU_HELP_LICENSE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Show resource information.
- MENU_HELP_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Show resource information.
- MENU_HELP_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Help on system and PsConfig entries.
- MENU_HELP_VIEWER - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Help on viewer.
- MENU_INSPECTOR - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Menu with inspector panels.
- MENU_INSPECTOR_AXIS - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_AXIS_X - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_AXIS_Y - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_AXIS_Z - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_CAMERA - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_DISPLAY - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_GEOMETRY - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_GEOMETRY_BOUNDARY - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_GEOMETRY_CONFIG - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_GEOMETRY_INFO - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_GEOMETRY_LABEL - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_GEOMETRY_MATERIAL - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_GEOMETRY_VECTOR - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_LIGHT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_OBJECT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_OBJECT_CONFIG - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_OBJECT_INFO - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_OBJECT_MATERIAL - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_OBJECT_TEXTURE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_INSPECTOR_PROJECT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_METHOD - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Menu with object methods.
- MENU_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Separator line in menu.
- MENU_WINDOW - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
Menu with windows.
- MENU_WINDOW_ANIMATION - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_WINDOW_CONSOLE - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- MENU_WINDOW_NETWORK - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
- merge(PgBndPolygon) - Method in class jv.geom.PgBndPolygon
Merge boundary polygon with current object into 'this' and identify last vertex of 'this'
with first vertex of argument curve.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Merge element set with current object and store union of both objects in 'this'.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Merge two point sets and store union in this
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Merge polygon with current object and store union of both objects in 'this'.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Merge polygon set with current object and store union of both objects in 'this'.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jv.geom.PgVectorField
Merge vector field with current object and store union of both objects in 'this'.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jv.project.PgGeometry
Add another of same geometry of same type to this geometry.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in interface jv.project.PgGeometryIf
Add another geometry of same type to this geometry.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jvx.geom.PgPointSetOnElementSet
Merge point set with current object and store union of both objects in 'this'.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jvx.geom.PgPointSetOnPolygon
Merge point set with current object and store union of both objects in 'this'.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonOnElementSet
Merge polygon with current object and store union of both objects in 'this'.
- merge(PgGeometryIf) - Method in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonSetOnElementSet
Merge polygon set with current object and store union of both objects in 'this'.
- mergeSelectedElements(PgElementSet) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
Merge pairs of neighbouring selected elements.
- mergeStrings(String[], char) - Static method in class jv.number.PuString
Merges an array of strings into a single string separated by the specified delimiter.
- mergeStrings(String[], String) - Static method in class jv.number.PuString
Merges an array of strings into a single string separated by the specified delimiter.
- MESSAGE - Static variable in class jv.object.PsDebug
Global flag used during compile time to include or exclude all PsDebug.message() calls.
- message(String) - Static method in class jv.object.PsDebug
Print messages immediately to console, make rare use since no button to turn it off.
- message(String, boolean) - Static method in class jv.object.PsDebug
Print messages immediately to console, make rare use since no button to turn it off.
- messageWithoutNewline(String) - Static method in class jv.object.PsDebug
Print messages immediately to console, make rare use since no button to turn it off.
- messageWithoutNewline(String, boolean) - Static method in class jv.object.PsDebug
Print messages immediately to console, make rare use since no button to turn it off.
- METHOD_ANISOTROPIC - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwSmooth
This smoothing method preserves features and sharpens linear feature.
- METHOD_ANSIO_PRECRIBED - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwSmooth
This smoothing method preserves features and sharpens non-linear feature.
- METHOD_EXT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PgGeometryIf
File name suffix of menu class to name of base class.
- min() - Method in class jv.number.PdColor
Find minimal value of component in color.
- min(PdVector, PdVector[], int) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Find the minimum of an array of vectors in each component.
- min(PdVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Find the minimum of this and a comparison vector in each component
and adjust the minimum in each component of this vector.
- min() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Find minimal value of component in vector.
- min(PiVector, PiVector[], int) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Find the minimum of an array of vectors in each component.
- min() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Find minimal value of component in vector.
- minimize() - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnEnergyMinimizer
Minimize energy by invoking conjugate gradient method in a loop.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class jv.object.PsStackLayout
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class jv.objectGui.GuiStackLayout
Calculate the minimum size dimensions for the specififed container.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class jv.objectGui.PsSlotLayout
- minor(int, int) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PcMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix obtained by
deleting 'i'th row and 'j'th column.
- minorMatrix(int, int) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PcMatrix
Computes the matrix obtained by deleting row 'row' and column 'col'.
- mirrorVertex(int, PgPolygon) - Method in class vgp.curve.closedpoly.PjClosedPoly
- MODE_ADD - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to add new points of geometries.
- MODE_ADD - Static variable in class vgp.tutor.linear.PjLinear
Summation mode, result is sum of two argument vectors.
- MODE_ADD_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to add new elements to geometry.
- MODE_BOUNDARY_PICK - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Minor mode in display to pick boundaries of geometries.
- MODE_BUG - Static variable in interface jv.project.PjWorkshopIf
Workshop runs in bug reporting mode.
- MODE_CROSS - Static variable in class vgp.tutor.linear.PjLinear
Cross product mode, result is cross product of two argument vectors.
- MODE_DELETE - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to delete items or geometries.
- MODE_DETAIL - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Minor mode in display to show detail information of geometry items.
- MODE_DISPLAY_PICK - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to select initial points in display without picking geometries.
- MODE_DRAWING - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode allows to draw sketches in the display which are then converted to strokes.
- MODE_DUPLICATE - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to duplicate geometries.
- MODE_FIXED - Static variable in class jv.thirdParty.ruler.PgRuler
since JavaView 3.13, use HASH_FIXED
- MODE_FLY - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Minor mode in display to fly towards to or away from the camera interest.
- MODE_GLOBAL - Static variable in class vgp.curve.closedpoly.PjClosedPoly
- MODE_HIGHLIGHT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to highlight items on geometries if they receive focus.
- MODE_INITIAL_PICK - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to select initial points on geometries.
- MODE_LOCAL - Static variable in class vgp.curve.closedpoly.PjClosedPoly
- MODE_MARK - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to mark a set of points on geometries.
- MODE_MARK_ELEMENTS - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to mark a set of elements on geometries.
- MODE_MIRROR - Static variable in class vgp.curve.closedpoly.PjClosedPoly
- MODE_ORBIT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to rotate geometry.
- MODE_PARTITIONED - Static variable in class jv.thirdParty.ruler.PgRuler
since JavaView 3.13, use HASH_PARTITIONED
- MODE_PICK - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to pick and modify vertices.
- MODE_SCALE - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to scale geometry by zooming.
- MODE_SCALE_RECT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to scale geometry by zooming into a specified rectangle.
- MODE_STANDARD - Static variable in interface jv.project.PjWorkshopIf
Workshop runs in standard mode, default mode.
- MODE_SUB - Static variable in class vgp.tutor.linear.PjLinear
Difference mode, result is difference of two argument vectors.
- MODE_TRANS - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to (x,y)-translate geometry.
- MODE_TRANS_Z - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to z-translate geometry.
- MODE_UNMARK - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to unmark a set of points on surfaces.
- MODE_UNMARK_ELEMENTS - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to mark a set of elements on geometries.
- MODE_URL - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Minor mode in display to follow hyperlinks attached to vertices and elements.
- MODE_VALIDATE - Static variable in interface jv.project.PjWorkshopIf
Workshop runs in bug reporting mode.
- MODE_VERTICAL - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Major mode in display to rotate geometry either around z-axis of scene
or around x-axis of display canvas, depending on larger mouse increment.
- MODEL_LIGHT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvLightIf
Additionally to surface material use lighting information obtained from lights.
- MODEL_SURFACE - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvLightIf
Use surface color and global material properties of a geometry.
- modulo(int, int) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuMath
Performs a modulo operation (value mod base).
- moebius(PuComplex, PuComplex, PuComplex, PuComplex, PuComplex) - Static method in class jv.number.PuComplex
au + b
w = moebius(u) = ------ with complex a,b,c,d,u.
- moebius(double, double, double, double, PuComplex) - Static method in class jv.number.PuComplex
au + b
w = moebius(u) = ------ with double a,b,c,d and complex u.
- MONITOR - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Identifier of control window.
- MONITOR_QVGA - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Monitor size is 320*240.
- MONITOR_SVGA - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Monitor size is 800*600.
- MONITOR_SXGA - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Monitor size is 1280*1024.
- MONITOR_USER - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Monitor size is user-defined.
- MONITOR_UXGA - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Monitor size is 1600*1200.
- MONITOR_VGA - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Monitor size is 640*480.
- MONITOR_XGA - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView
Monitor size is 1024*768.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PdColor_IP
No method body, simply to fulfill interface.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PuColorPicker
Do nothing.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.objectGui.PsToolbarItem
Method does nothing.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Shows popup menu if event is a popup trigger.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PuColorPicker
Invoce mousePressed.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PdColor_IP
No method body, simply to fulfill interface.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PuColorPicker
Do nothing.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.objectGui.PsToolbarItem
Just show the toolbar image as active.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
This display requests the focus when the mouse enters the canvas
unless request of focus is disabled by external calls.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PdColor_IP
No method body, simply to fulfill interface.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PuColorPicker
Do nothing.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.objectGui.PsToolbarItem
Just show the toolbar image as inactive.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Sets a flag that mouse is outside.
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PuColorPicker
Do nothing.
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Updates mouse position and invokes temporary information like magnet and info.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PdColor_IP
No method body, simply to fulfill interface.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PuColorPicker
There are two panels which issue mouse events:
If user clicks into the color wheel then current color is set.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.objectGui.PsToolbarItem
Just show the toolbar image as pressed button in sunk mode.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Do not react on popup events or other than left mouse clicks.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PdColor_IP
Open the color dialog when mouse pressed inside the colored field.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.number.PuColorPicker
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.objectGui.PsToolbarItem
Shows popup menu when mouse is released from menu item.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Handle mouse key release events.
- MTHD_ADD_TEXTURE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_APPLY_AMBIENT_MATRIX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_APPLY_CAMERA_MATRIX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_APPLY_MODELING_MATRIX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_ASSURE_DIM_OF_POLYGONS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_BOOLEAN_INTERSECTION - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_BURN_TEXTURE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CELLOPERATOR - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CHECK_MANIFOLD - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CHECK_NEIGHBOUR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CHECK_ORIENTABILITY - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CLEAN_MESH - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CLIP - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CLOSE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_CLOSE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_CLOSE_BOUNDARY - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CLOSE_HOLES - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_COLOR_FROM_GAUSS_CURVATURE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_COMPUTE_AREA - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_COMPUTE_INTEGRAL_LINE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_COMPUTE_L2NORM - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_COMPUTE_LOCAL_EXTREMA - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_COMPUTE_VOLUME - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CONFORMING - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CONFORMING_TO_FULL - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CONSTRAIN_BOUNDARY - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CONSTRUCTION_BLOCKS - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_CONVERT_ELEMENTSET - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_CONVERT_POINTSET - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_CONVERT_POLYGON - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_CONVERT_POLYGONSET - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_DECREMENT_DIMENSION - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_DIJKSTRA_STRIPES - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_DUAL - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_EDGE_COLOR_FROM_ELEMENT - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_EDGE_COLOR_FROM_VERTEX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_ELEMENT_FROM_VERTEX_TEXTURE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_ENABLE_INDEX_LABELS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_EVOLVE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_EXPLODE_ELEMENTSET - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_EXPLODE_POLYTOPE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_EXTRACT_BOUNDARY_POLYGONS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_FIX_BOUNDARY - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_FLIP_EDGES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_FLIP_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_GEODESICFLOW - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_GET_TUBE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_GET_TUBE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_HISTOGRAM - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_HODGE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_HODGE_SPLIT - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_IDENTIFY_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_IDENTIFY_VERTICES - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_IGNORE_DEPTHCUE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_INCREMENT_DIMENSION - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_INTERSECT_WITH_FUNCTION - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_INTERSECT_WITH_PLANE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_INVERT_EDGE_MARKS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_INVERT_ELEMENT_MARKS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_INVERT_POLYGON_MARKS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_INVERT_VERTEX_MARKS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_ISOLINE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_JOIN_EDGES - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_LENGTH - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_LENGTH - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_LIC - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_LOCAL_BUTTERFLY - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_BOUNDARY - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_EDGE_COLOR_FROM_LENGTH - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_EDGE_COLOR_FROM_VERTEX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_EDGE_COLOR_FROM_XYZ - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_EDGE_COLOR_FROM_Z - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_EDGE_COLOR_FROM_Z_HUE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_ELEMENT_COLOR_FROM_VERTEX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_ELEMENT_COLOR_FROM_XYZ - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_ELEMENT_COLOR_FROM_Z - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_ELEMENT_COLOR_FROM_Z_HUE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_ELEMENT_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_MANIFOLD - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_MANIFOLD2 - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_NEIGHBOUR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_POLYGON_COLOR_FROM_LENGTH - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_POLYGON_COLOR_FROM_VERTEX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_POLYGON_COLOR_FROM_XYZ - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_POLYGON_COLOR_FROM_Z - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_POLYGON_COLOR_FROM_Z_HUE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_BINORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_BINORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_COLOR_FROM_EDGE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_COLOR_FROM_ELEMENT - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_COLOR_FROM_LENGTH - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_COLOR_FROM_LENGTH - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_COLOR_FROM_POLYGON - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_CURVATURE_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_CURVATURE_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_OFFSET_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_OFFSET_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_TEXTURE_CYL - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_TEXTURE_SPH - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_TEXTURE_XY - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_TEXTURE_XZ - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_MAKE_VERTEX_TEXTURE_YZ - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_ALL_EDGES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_ALL_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_ALL_POLYGONS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_ALL_VERTICES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_BOUNDARIES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_EDGES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_POLYGONS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_VERTICES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_MARK_WITH_SPHERE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_MATCH_TRIANGLES - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MEAN_CURVATURE_NORMALS - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MINESWEEPER - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MINIMIZE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MODEL_VECTOR_FIELD - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_MODELING - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_MOVE_TO_ORIGIN - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_NOISE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_NON_CONFORMING - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_NON_CONFORMING_TO_FULL - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_NON_CONFORMING_TO_QUARTER - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_NORMALIZE_VECTOR_FIELD - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_PARAMETER_LINES - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_PRINCIPAL_CURVATURE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_PRINCIPAL_CURVATURE_ANGLE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_PRINCIPAL_CURVATURE_AREA - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_PRINT_ALL - Static variable in class jv.project.PgGeometry_Menu
- MTHD_PRINT_BND_LIST - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_PRINT_BNDBOX - Static variable in class jv.project.PgGeometry_Menu
- MTHD_PRINT_CENTER - Static variable in class jv.project.PgGeometry_Menu
- MTHD_PRINT_EDGE_LIST - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_PRINT_FVECTOR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_PROJECT_FROM_AMBIENT_SPACE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_PROJECT_TO_SPHERE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_REEB - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REFINE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REFINE_INTO_FOUR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_BOUNDARY - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_DEGENERATE_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_EDGE_COLORS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_EDGE_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_ELEMENT_BACK_COLORS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_ELEMENT_COLORS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_ELEMENT_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_ELEMENT_TEXTURE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MARKED_BOUNDARIES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MARKED_EDGES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MARKED_EDGES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MARKED_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MARKED_ELEMENTS_KEEP_V - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MARKED_POLYGONS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MARKED_POLYGONS_KEEP_V - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MARKED_VERTICES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MARKED_VERTICES_KEEP_E - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_POLYGON_COLORS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_POLYGON_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_TEXTURE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_UNUSED_VERTICES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_UNUSED_VERTICES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_UNUSED_VERTICES - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_VECTOR_FIELDS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_VERTEX_COLORS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_REMOVE_VERTEX_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_RESET_BOUNDARY_NORMALS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_RIVARA_BISECTION - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_ROTATE_VECTOR_FIELD - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_SCALAR_FIELD - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SEEDS - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHORTEST_GEODESIC - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_BACKFACE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_BNDBOX - Static variable in class jv.project.PgGeometry_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_CENTER - Static variable in class jv.project.PgGeometry_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_EDGE_COLOR_FROM_VERTEX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_EDGE_COLOR_FROM_VERTEX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_EDGE_LABELS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_EDGE_LABELS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_EDGE_LABELS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_EDGE_NORMAL_ARROW - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_EDGE_SHADING - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_EDGE_SHADING - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_EDGE_SHADING - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_ELEMENT_COLOR_FROM_VERTEX - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_ELEMENT_LABELS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_ELEMENT_NORMAL_ARROW - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_ELEMENT_SHADING - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_ELEMENT_TEXTURE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_FRONT_COLOR_ON_BACK - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_GLOBAL_EDGE_COLOR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_GLOBAL_EDGE_COLOR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_GLOBAL_ELEMENT_BACK_COLOR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_GLOBAL_ELEMENT_COLOR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_GLOBAL_POLYGON_COLOR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_GLOBAL_VERTEX_COLOR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_GOURAUD_SHADING - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_GOURAUD_SHADING - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_GOURAUD_SHADING - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_MARKED_BOUNDARIES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_MARKED_EDGES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_MARKED_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_MARKED_VERTICES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_NAME - Static variable in class jv.project.PgGeometry_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_POLYGON_END_ARROW - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_POLYGON_END_ARROW - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_POLYGON_LABELS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_POLYGON_NORMAL_ARROW - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_POLYGON_START_ARROW - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_POLYGON_START_ARROW - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_SILHOUETTE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_VECTOR_ARROWS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_VERTEX_LABELS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_VERTEX_NORMAL_ARROW - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_VERTEX_OUTLINE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_SHOW_VERTEX_TEXTURE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_SIMPLIFY - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SMOOTHING - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SNAKE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SPLIT_ALONG_POLYGON - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_SPLIT_TO_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_TEXTURE_FROM_ROT_DIV - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_TEXTURE_FROM_UV - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_TEXTURE_PATCH - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_THICK_EDGES - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_TOPOLOGY - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_TRANSFORM - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_TRIANGULATE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_TRIANGULATE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_TRIANGULATE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_UNFOLD - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_UNMARK_ALL_EDGES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
- MTHD_UNMARK_ALL_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_UNMARK_ALL_POLYGONS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
- MTHD_UNMARK_ALL_VERTICES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_UNMARK_BOUNDARIES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_UNMARK_EDGES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_UNMARK_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
- MTHD_UNMARK_VERTICES - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_UPDATE - Static variable in class jv.project.PgGeometry_Menu
- MTHD_VERTEX_COLOR_FROM_VECTOR - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_VERTEX_COLOR_FROM_XYZ - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_VERTEX_COLOR_FROM_Z - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MTHD_VERTEX_COLOR_FROM_Z_HUE - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
- MUL - Static variable in class jv.thirdParty.expr.Expr
Binary operator.
- mult(PuComplex, PuComplex) - Static method in class jv.number.PuComplex
w = u * v
- mult(PuComplex) - Method in class jv.number.PuComplex
this *= v
- mult(PuComplex, double) - Static method in class jv.number.PuComplex
w = u * r.
- mult(double) - Method in class jv.number.PuComplex
this *= r.
- mult(PcMatrix, PcMatrix) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PcMatrix
Multiply two matrices of possibly different sizes using this = m1*m2
- mult(PdMatrix, PdMatrix) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdMatrix
Multiply two matrices of possibly different sizes using this = mat1*mat2
- multInvMassMatrix(PdVector[]) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnMassMatrix
Multiply vertex-based vector field with inverse mass matrix.
- multInvMassMatrix(PdVector) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnMassMatrix
- multInvMassMatrix(PdVector, int) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnMassMatrix
Multiply piecewise linear function (mapping to Rn) with inverse mass matrix.
- multInvMassMatrix(PgElementSet, PdVector, boolean) - Static method in class jvx.numeric.PnMassMatrix
Multiply vertex-based function with inverse mass matrix.
- multInvMassMatrix(PgElementSet, PdVector[], boolean) - Static method in class jvx.numeric.PnMassMatrix
Multiply vertex-based vector field with inverse mass matrix.
- multInvMassMatrix(PgElementSet, PdMatrix[], boolean) - Static method in class jvx.numeric.PnMassMatrix
Multiply vertex-based tensor field with inverse mass matrix.
- multMatrices(PnSparseMatrix, PnSparseMatrix, PnSparseMatrix) - Static method in class jvx.numeric.PnSparseMatrix
Multiply two sparse matrices, out = left.right.
- multNew(PcMatrix, PcMatrix) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PcMatrix
Return product of two matrices m1*m2
- multQuadratic(PdVector, PdVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdMatrix
Compute left^T*this*right
- multQuadratic(PdVector, PdVector) - Method in interface jv.vecmath.PdMatrixIf
Compute left^T*this*right
- multQuadratic(PdVector, PdVector) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnSparseMatrix
Compute left^T*this*right.
- multScalar(double) - Method in class jv.geom.PgVectorField
Scale all vectors in the field by a constant factor.
- multScalar(PuComplex) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PcMatrix
- multScalar(PcMatrix, PuComplex) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PcMatrix
- multScalar(PdBaryDir, double) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdBaryDir
Multiply argument vector with scalar this = scalar*v
- multScalar(double) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdBaryDir
Multiply all components with scalar.
- multScalar(double) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdMatrix
Multiply all matrix components with scalar.
- multScalar(PdMatrix, double) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdMatrix
Multiply all matrix components of m with scalar s, this = m*s.
- multScalar(double) - Method in interface jv.vecmath.PdMatrixIf
Multiply all matrix components with scalar.
- multScalar(double) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Multiply vector with scalar this = scalar*this
- multScalar(PdVector, double) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Multiply argument vector with scalar this = scalar*v
- multScalar(int) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Multiply vector with scalar this = scalar*this
- multScalar(PiVector, int) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
Multiply argument vector with scalar this = scalar*v
- multScalar(double) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnSparseMatrix
Multiply the matrix by a scalar value.
- multScalar(PnSparseMatrix, double) - Static method in class jvx.numeric.PnSparseMatrix
Multiply each entry of the matrix by a scalar value.
- MyApplet - Class in vgp.tutor.firstApplet
Demo applet shows how to include a JavaView display in own code.
- MyApplet() - Constructor for class vgp.tutor.firstApplet.MyApplet
- MyApplet - Class in vgp.tutor.firstProject
Demo applet showing the loading of a project and defining a subclass
of a geometry.
- MyApplet() - Constructor for class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MyApplet
- MyApplication - Class in vgp.tutor.firstApplication
Demo application shows how to include JavaView display in own code.
- MyApplication() - Constructor for class vgp.tutor.firstApplication.MyApplication
- MyClass - Class in vgp.tutor.updatePanel
Tutorial class for combined used of JavaView update mechanism and AWT 1.1 events.
- MyClass() - Constructor for class vgp.tutor.updatePanel.MyClass
- MyClass_IP - Class in vgp.tutor.updatePanel
Tutorial info panel for combined use of Java1.1 Events and JavaView
Update Mechanism.
- MyClass_IP() - Constructor for class vgp.tutor.updatePanel.MyClass_IP
Create and layout the widgets of the panel.
- MyGraph - Class in vgp.tutor.firstGraph
Demo applet shows own data as a graph over the x-y plane.
- MyGraph() - Constructor for class vgp.tutor.firstGraph.MyGraph
- MyProject - Class in vgp.tutor.firstProject
Demo project for working with JavaView projects and for subclassing of PgElementSet.
- MyProject() - Constructor for class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MyProject
Constructor, without arguments to allow loading of project from menu.
- MyProject_IP - Class in vgp.tutor.firstProject
Info panel of tutorial project.
- MyProject_IP() - Constructor for class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MyProject_IP
- MySurface - Class in vgp.tutor.firstProject
Subclass of geometry class PgElementSet for demonstration.
- MySurface() - Constructor for class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MySurface
Constructor of surface.