"JavaView© v4.00.003"
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


uhm2Klein(PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuProj
Projection from UHM to Klein ball of n-dim hyperbolic space.
uhm2Lorentz(PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuProj
Projection from UHM in Rn into Lorentz model in Rn+1 of n-dim hyperbolic space.
uhm2Poincare(PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuProj
Projection from UHM to Poincare ball of n-dim hyperbolic space.
undo() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwRefineElementSet
Undo the last executed refinement step, and remove the entry from refinement sequence.
unfold() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwUnfold
Unfold the actual geometry.
unfoldTriangleRun(PgElementSet, PiVector, PgElementSet, PiVector, PiVector) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesic
Triangle number i in given run is triangle i in unfolded geometry.
unmarkVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jv.project.PjProject
Unmark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
unmarkVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in interface jv.project.PvPickListenerIf
Unmark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
unmarkVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Unmark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
unmarkVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesic
Unmark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
unmarkVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesicFlow
unmarkVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMarkWithSphere
Unmark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
unmarkVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.math.MathPickListener
Unmark a set of vertices of a geometry within a given bounding box.
unmarkVertices(PvPickEvent) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLine
unroll(PgPolygon, PdVector, PgPolygon, PgPolygon) - Static method in class vgp.discrete.ellipse.PjEllipse
unselectAllEdges() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwUnfold
Unselect all edges.
unselectAllElements() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwLocalButterfly
Remove tag IS_SELECTED from all triangles.
UP_VECTOR_DIRECTION - Static variable in class jv.thirdParty.ruler.PgRuler
update(Object) - Method in class jv.anim.PsAnimation
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.anim.PsAnimation_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.anim.PsKeyframe
Update method of geometry updates registered panels, update listeners, and invokes a repaint in the registered displays.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.function.PuFunction
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.function.PuFunction_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgBndPolygon
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgBndPolygon_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_BP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_Menu
Update this menu if the parent object has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_MP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgElementSet_TP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_LP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_Menu
Update this menu if the parent object has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_MP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPointSet_VP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_Menu
Update this menu if the parent object has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon_MP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_Menu
Update this menu if the parent object has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet_MP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgTexture
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgTexture_IP
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if texture has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgVectorField
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.geom.PgVectorField_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.loader.PjImportModel_Dialog
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.loader.PjImportModel_InfoBox
update(Object) - Method in class jv.loader.PjImportModel_IP
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.loader.PjImportModel_IPmed
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PdArray_IP
Called from parent only if vertex coordinates have changed and they must be updated in this panel.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PdColor_Dialog
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PdColor_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PdVector_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PiArray_IP
Called from parent only if vertex coordinates have changed and they must be updated in this panel.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PiVector_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PuBoolean_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PuColorPicker
Update dialog if color slider or brightness slider has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PuDouble_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.number.PuInteger_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update() - Method in class jv.object.PsConsole
update(Object) - Method in class jv.object.PsDialog
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.object.PsObject
Update all inspector panels, send update to all registered update listeners and finally update parent.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.object.PsPanel
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Graphics) - Method in class jv.object.PsPanel
Override Component.update(Graphics) to avoid clearing the component if an image is available.
update(Object) - Method in interface jv.object.PsUpdateIf
Event handling method in the update mechanism.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.objectGui.PsMethodMenu
Update this menu if the parent object has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.project.PgGeometry
Update method of geometry updates registered panels, update listeners, and invokes a repaint in the registered displays.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.project.PgGeometry_Menu
Update this menu if the parent object has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.project.PjProject_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in interface jv.project.PvDisplayIf
Update mechanism of JavaView.
update(Object) - Method in interface jv.project.PvGeometryIf
Invoke update of geometry container.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.rsrc.PsAuthorInfo_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jv.rsrc.PsGeometryInfo_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jv.rsrc.PsJavaView_IP
Handle update events sent from children or update events.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.rsrc.PsLicense
Handle update events sent from children or update events.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.rsrc.PsLicense_IP
Handle update events sent from children or update events.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.thirdParty.ruler.PgAxes
Update calculations when the axes object or its children such as slider change.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.thirdParty.ruler.PgAxes_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.thirdParty.ruler.PgRuler
update(Object) - Method in class jv.thirdParty.ruler.PgRuler_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvCamera
event == this : geometry has changed by itself without widget event, therefore somewhere in a superclass the infoPanel must be updated.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvCamera_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Handle update events sent to display by JavaView.
update(Graphics) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay
Override Component.update(g) to initiate redrawing of geometries.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvDisplay_IP
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if display has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvLight
Catch update events sent by children.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvLight_IP
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if light has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvScene
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvViewer
Just a dummy routine to catch update() calls of stand-alone projects.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PnMinesweeper
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.cellular.PwSnake
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.curve.PgBezierCurve
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.curve.PgFunction
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.curve.PgFunction_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.curve.PgParmCurve
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.curve.PgParmCurve_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.curve.PgTube
A call of update with the polygon as set by setPolygon(PgPolygon) re-computes frames and tube.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.curve.PgTube_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PnExplode_Dialog
Update exploding center, when a slider is touched.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PnExplodePolytope
Update, when dialog gets disposed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwBlocks_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwBoundary
Update workshop and geometry.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwBoundary_IP
Update, whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwCleanMesh_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwClip
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwClip_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwEnergy
Each time another geometry is loaded.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwEnergy_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwEvolve
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwEvolve_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesic
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesic_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesicFlow
Updates the geometry if this workshop has changed, i.e. if the event is this or null.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwGeodesicFlow_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwHistogram
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwHistogram_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwIdentifyElements_IP
Update, whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwIdentifyVertices_IP
Update, whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwIntersectWithFunction
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwIntersectWithFunction_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwLocalButterfly
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMarkWithSphere
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwMarkWithSphere_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwModel
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwModel_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwNoise
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwNoise_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwPlatonic_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwReeb
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwRefineElementSet
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwRefineElementSet_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwRefinePolygon
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwRefinePolygon_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwSimplify
Update if workshop or slider values change.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwSimplify_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwSmooth
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwSmooth_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwTexture
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwTexture_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwTransform
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwTransform_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwUnfold
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwUnfold_IP
Update settings and textual information in panels.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.loader.PsExportInfo
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.loader.PsExportInfo_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.loader.PsJvzConfig_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.math.MathUpdateListener
Event handling method in the update mechanism calls handling method inside Mathematica to process the event.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.number.PuHistogram
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.number.PuHistogram_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnAreaVolEnergy
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnBandEigenSolver_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnEnergyMinimizer
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnEnergyMinimizer_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnJacobi_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.project.PjWorkshop
Updates the geometry if this workshop has changed, i.e. if the event is this or null.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.project.PjWorkshop_Dialog
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgDomain
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgDomain_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgDomainDescr
Catch all events from integer and double instance variables.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgDomainDescr_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgGenusSurface
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgGenusSurface_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgGraph
Perform update operations on this object if children have changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgGraph_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgParmSurface
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgParmSurface_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgSurfaceGraph
Perform update operations on this object if children have changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgSurfaceOfRotation
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.surface.PgSurfaceOfRotation_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwHodge
Update this workshop when a depend child changes.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwHodge_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLine
07.11.04, 1.10 revised (kh) Added checks to avoid calling recompute more than once.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLine_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLineSet
Handle events originating from given object.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIntegralLineSet_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIsoline
Each time another geometry is loaded.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwIsoline_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwLIC
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwLIC_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwRotDiv
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwRotDiv_IP
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwScalarField
Each time another geometry is loaded.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwScalarField_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwSeeds
Updates the geometry if this workshop has changed, i.e. if the event is this or null.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwSeeds_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwVectorField
React on events.
update(Object) - Method in class jvx.vector.PwVectorField_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.closedpoly.PjClosedPoly
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.closedpoly.PjClosedPoly_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.common.PjCurve
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.common.PjCurve_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.cycloid.PjCycloid
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.cycloid.PjCycloid_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.deCasteljau.PjDeCasteljau
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.deCasteljau.PjDeCasteljau_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.elastic.PjElasticCurve
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.elastic.PjElasticCurve_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.geodesic.PjGeodesic
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.geodesic.PjGeodesic_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.subdivision.PjSubdivisionCurve
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.subdivision.PjSubdivisionCurve_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.surface.PjSurfCurve_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.zigzag.PjZigZag
Handles the events of the Panel
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.curve.zigzag.PjZigZag_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.conformal.PjConformal
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.conformal.PjConformal_IP
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.conjugate.PjConjugate
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.curvature.PjCurvature
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.curvature.PjCurvature_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.ellipse.PjEllipse
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.ellipse.PjEllipse_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.harmonic.PgSurfacePair
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.harmonic.PgSurfacePair_IP
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.harmonic.PjHarmonic
Each time another geometry is loaded, PjImportModel calls update.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.harmonic.PjHarmonic_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.lantern.PgLantern
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.lantern.PgLantern_CP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.lantern.PjLantern
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.lantern.PjLantern_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.maxPrinciple.PgMaxPrinciple
Update geometry when sliders change, or update diri minimizer when geometry changes.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.maxPrinciple.PgMaxPrinciple_CP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.maxPrinciple.PjMaxPrinciple
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.maxPrinciple.PjMaxPrinciple_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.platonic.PjPlatonic
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.discrete.platonic.PjPlatonic_IP
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.iterate.juliaSet.PjJuliaSet
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.iterate.juliaSet.PjJuliaSet
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.iterate.juliaSet.PjJuliaSet_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.iterate.juliaSet.PjJuliaSet_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.iterate.pythagoreanTree.PjPythagoreanTree
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.iterate.pythagoreanTree.PjPythagoreanTree
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.iterate.pythagoreanTree.PjPythagoreanTree_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.iterate.pythagoreanTree.PjPythagoreanTree_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.catenoid.PgCatenoid
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.catenoid.PgCatenoid_CP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.catenoid.PjCatenoid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.catenoid.PjCatenoid_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.helicoid.PgHelicoid
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.helicoid.PgHelicoid_CP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.helicoid.PjHelicoid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.helicoid.PjHelicoid_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_Bidenoid
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_Cameloid
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_CatEnn
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_CatEnn2Ends
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_CatEnn2Twist
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_CatEnnK
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_Catenoid
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_CatKExp
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_CatSplit
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_Chen
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_ChenGackstatter
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_Costa
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_Costa2
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_Enn4_5
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_Enneper
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_KNoid
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_KNoid2
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_PlanarEnd
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_Scherk
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrass_ScherkDoubly
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrassDescr
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrassDescr_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PjWeierstrass
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PjWeierstrass_IP
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.numeric.smooth.PjSmooth
Update method of project to react on changes in its panel or of its children.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.numeric.smooth.PjSmooth_IP
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if project has changed somewhere else and must update its panel.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Boy
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Breather
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_BreatherPQ
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Catalan
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_CatenoidHelicoid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Cliffordtorus
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Cone
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_ConicType
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_CP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Cylinder
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_DupinCycloid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Ellipsoid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_EllipticParaboloid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Enneper
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_FootballBarrel
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Fresnel1
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Fresnel2
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Henneberg
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Hopftorus
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_HyperbolicHelicoid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_HyperbolicParaboloid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_HyperboloidType
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_KleinBottle
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_KleinBottleUgly
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Kuen
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_LawsonHelicoid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_LowerHyperboloid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_MoebiusStrip
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_OuterHyperboloid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_PseudoSphere
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Sievert
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Sphere
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_SphereWithParams
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_StereographicSphere
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Tannery
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Torus
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_UpperHyperboloid
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurface_Zoll
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
Catch events from function strings.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PjSurface
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PjSurface_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.klein.PjKleinBottle
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.surface.rotation.PjRotation_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.color.PaColorDemo
Event handling method in the update mechanism.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.eventCamera.PjEventCamera
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.eventCamera.PjEventCamera_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MyProject
Update method of project to react on changes in its panel or of its children.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.firstProject.MyProject_IP
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if project has changed somewhere else and must update its panel.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.height.PjHeight
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.height.PjHeight_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.key.PjKeyframe
Update this project.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.key.PjKeyframe_IP
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.linear.PjLinear
Perform recomputations whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.linear.PjLinear_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.lsystem.PjLSystem
The variable m_delta sends update events to its parent to notify the parent whenever its value has changed by user interaction.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.lsystem.PjLSystem_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.model.PjModel_IP
Here we arrive from outside world of this panel, e.g. if parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.ode.PjExprOde
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.ode.PjExprOde_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.parm.PjParmSurface
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.parmCurve.PjParmCurve
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.pick.PjPickEvent
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.pick.PjPickEvent_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.rivara.PjRivara
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.rivara.PjRivara_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.rootFinder.PjRootFinder
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.rootFinder.PjRootFinder_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.ruler.PjRuler
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.ruler.PjRuler_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.sizeEdge.PjSizeEdge
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.sizeEdge.PjSizeEdge_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.sizePolygon.PjSizePolygon
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.sizePolygon.PjSizePolygon_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.sizeVertex.PjSizeVertex
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.sizeVertex.PjSizeVertex_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.slider.PjSlider
This method allows to react whenever a slider is touched.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.slider.PjSlider_IP
Method allows this panel to update whenever the data class has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.texture.PjTexturedSurface
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.texture.PjTexturedSurface_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.torusknot.PjTorusKnot
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.torusknot.PjTorusKnot_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.transform.PjTransform
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.transform.PjTransform_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.updatePanel.MyClass
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.updatePanel.MyClass_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.vectorField.PjVectorField
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.tutor.vectorField.PjVectorField_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.vector.hodge.PjHodge
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.vector.hodge.PjHodge_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.vector.lic.PjLIC
Update the class whenever a child has changed.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.vector.lic.PjLIC_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.vector.rungeKutta.PjRungeKutta
Perform update handling when dependent objects change.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.vector.rungeKutta.PjRungeKutta_IP
Handles update events of this project panel.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.vector.translation.PjTranslation
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.vector.translation.PjTranslation_IP
Update the panel whenever the parent has changed somewhere else.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.volume.mc.PjMarchingCubes
Called if an update event has invoked.
update(Object) - Method in class vgp.volume.mc.PjMarchingCubes_IP
Called when the info panel needs to be updated.
updateDiag() - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnPreconditionerILU
Update the index of diagonal elements of the matrix
updateGeomList() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwIntersectElementSet_IP
Set the list of geometries in the lists to the current state of the display.
updateNormals(boolean) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwNoise
use setEnabledUpdateNormals.
updatePanels(Object) - Method in class jv.object.PsObject
Partial update method to synchronize all registered inspector panels.
updatePreconditioner(PnSparseMatrix) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnConjugateGradientMatrix
When the sparse matrix to solve has changed update the preconditioner with this method.
updateSlider() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwSimplify
Adjust slider bounds and value to the geometry.
updateVertices() - Method in class jvx.geom.PgPolygonOnElementSet
Updates the Euclidean coordinates of the vertices from their barycentric coordinates.
URL - Static variable in class jv.rsrc.PsAuthorInfo
Code to access url of home page of authors.
USAGE_APPLET - Static variable in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo
USAGE_IMAGE - Static variable in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo
USAGE_MASTER - Static variable in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo
USAGE_ORIGINAL - Static variable in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo
USAGE_OTHER - Static variable in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo
USAGE_PREVIEW - Static variable in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo
USAGE_PRINT - Static variable in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo
USAGE_README - Static variable in class jvx.rsrc.PsModelInfo
USE_LARGER_BUFFER - Static variable in class jvx.numeric.PnSparseMatrix
Flag, whether the buffer should enlarged dynamically.
useFunctionExpression() - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
Check whether function string has been modified by user.
useFunctionExpression(boolean) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
Set flag whether function string has been modified by user.
useGlobalPolygonColor(boolean) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
use showEdgeColors(boolean)
useGlobalPolygonColor(boolean) - Method in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
use showPolygonColors(boolean)
useImplicit(boolean) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwSmooth
Use implicit instead of explicit method to integrate the flow.
useLumpedMass(boolean) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnMassMatrix
Enable/Disable usage of the lumped mass matrix.
USER_BIT - Static variable in interface jv.project.PvGeometryIf
Possible tags used by a display to mark the geometry, individual vertices or elements, see tag methods below.
usesFirstOrder() - Method in class jvx.vector.PwSeeds
useStepFunction(boolean) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnStiffAniso
The default behaviour of this feature preserving smoothing operator is to have a smooth transition in the treatment of those parts that are kept as features and those that are smoothed.
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