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nearestAsymptDir(double[], double[]) - Method in class vgp.curve.common.PnAsymptOde
y: y[0],y[1] = point, y[2],y[3] = dir double[2] dir
nearestMeanCurvDir(double[], double[]) - Method in class vgp.curve.common.PnPrincipalCurvatureOde
neg(PuComplex) - Static method in class jv.number.PuComplex
w = -u
neg() - Method in class jv.number.PuComplex
u = -this
NEG - Static variable in class jv.thirdParty.expr.Expr
NEG_I - Static variable in class jv.number.PuComplex
NEG_ONE - Static variable in class jv.number.PuComplex
NEIGHBOUR - Static variable in class jvx.cellular.PnCellOperator
NEW_GEOMETRY - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
NEW_PROJECT - Static variable in interface jv.object.PsViewerIf
newDisplay() - Method in interface jv.project.PvViewerIf
Create a new AWT display inside a new frame.
newDisplay(String) - Method in interface jv.project.PvViewerIf
Use method newDisplay(String, boolean)
newDisplay(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface jv.project.PvViewerIf
Create a new empty AWT display which is optionally placed inside a new frame.
newDisplay(String, boolean) - Method in interface jv.project.PvViewerIf
Create a new empty AWT display which is optionally placed inside a new frame.
newDisplay() - Method in class jv.viewer.PvViewer
Create a new AWT display inside a new frame with menu bar.
newDisplay(String) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvViewer
newDisplay(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvViewer
Create a new empty AWT display which is optionally placed inside a new frame.
newDisplay(String, boolean) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvViewer
Create a new empty AWT display which is optionally placed inside a new frame.
newFrequence() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwNoise
Select by random vertices to be noised.
newInspector(String, String) - Method in class jv.object.PsObject
Create and register a new inspector panel of this class, and set current object as parent of inspector panel.
newInspector(String) - Method in class jv.object.PsObject
Create and register a new inspector panel of this class, and set current object as parent of inspector panel.
newInstance(Class, String) - Static method in class jv.object.PsUtil
Find a class and create an instance.
newInstance(String) - Static method in class jv.object.PsUtil
Find a class given by name and create an instance.
newMenuBar(Frame) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvViewer
Create a new menubar and call setEnabled(boolean) depending on the current scene.
newNoise() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwNoise
Generate new random noise directions for all vertices.
newReflection() - Method in class vgp.minimal.weier.PgWeierstrassDescr
Save a reflection, that was invoked by the user.
newToolbar(Frame) - Method in class jv.viewer.PvViewer
Create a new toolbar for frame.
newVertexBary(int, int) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwBary
Make a new PdBary instance representing a vertex on the given element set.
nextStep() - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnGeodesicRK
Calculates the next step of actual integration.
nextStep() - Method in class vgp.curve.elastic.PnElasticCurvature
NO - Static variable in class jvx.thirdParty.acmeGui.ButtonDialog
noise(double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwNoise
set options first and use noise() method instead.(ur)
noise() - Method in class jvx.geom.PwNoise
Move all vertices by their individual noise directions.
noise(float, float) - Method in class jvx.numeric.PnNoise
Value of white noise at given 2D point.
noiseNormal(boolean) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwNoise
use setEnabledNoiseNormal.
noiseTangential(boolean) - Method in class jvx.geom.PwNoise
use setEnabledNoiseTangential.
NONE - Static variable in class jvx.geom.PwMatching
One of the pre-matching types.
norm(PgElementSet, int, PdBaryDir, boolean) - Static method in class jvx.geom.PwBary
Euclidean norm of two intrinsic (barycentric) vectors.
NORMAL - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygon
NORMAL - Static variable in class jv.geom.PgPolygonSet
normal(double, double) - Method in class vgp.surface.common.PgSurfaceDescr
NORMAL_DIRECTION - Static variable in class jv.thirdParty.ruler.PgRuler
normalize() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Normalize vector to unit length.
normalize(PdVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Set vector to normalized argument vector.
normalize() - Method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
use PdVector
normalize(PiVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PiVector
use PdVector
normalize(PdVector, PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PuLorentz
Normalize Minkowski length of point.
normalizeVectorField(PgVectorField) - Static method in class jvx.vector.PwVectorField
Normalize all vectors of a vector field to unit length.
normalOfPlane(PdVector, PdVector, PdVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Compute unit normal vector to a plane given by three points.
normalToVector(PdVector) - Method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Compute an arbitrary vector orthonormal to a given unit vector v, assume |v|==1.
normalToVectorNew(PdVector) - Static method in class jv.vecmath.PdVector
Create a new arbitrary vector orthogonal to a given unit vector.
notFromCharSet(String, String, int) - Static method in class jv.number.PuString
Returns the length of the initial segment of str which consists entirely of characters NOT from charSet, starting at the given index.
NoticeBox - Class in jvx.thirdParty.acmeGui
A notice-box.
NoticeBox(Frame, String) - Constructor for class jvx.thirdParty.acmeGui.NoticeBox
Constructor, default title.
NoticeBox(Frame, String, String) - Constructor for class jvx.thirdParty.acmeGui.NoticeBox
Constructor, specified title.
noticeIcon(Component) - Static method in class jvx.thirdParty.acmeGui.GuiUtils
NOTIFY - Static variable in class jv.object.PsDebug
Global flag used during compile time to include or exclude all PsDebug.notify() calls.
notify(String) - Static method in class jv.object.PsDebug
Heavily used during development process for all different messages.
NUM_GEOMETRY_TAGS - Static variable in class jv.loader.PgLoader
Number of available geometry tags to describe state of geometry.
NUM_OF_ARCHIVES - Static variable in class jv.object.PsConfig
Number of jar archives available to a JavaView installation.
NUM_OF_RESOURCES - Static variable in class jv.object.PsConfig
Number of language resource.
NUM_TAGS - Static variable in class jv.object.PsObject
Number of available tags to describe state of object.
NUMBINS_FD - Static variable in class jvx.number.PuHistogram
NUMBINS_SCOTT - Static variable in class jvx.number.PuHistogram
NUMBINS_STURGES - Static variable in class jvx.number.PuHistogram
NUMBINS_USER - Static variable in class jvx.number.PuHistogram
numSplitStrings(String, char) - Static method in class jv.number.PuString
Turns a string into an array of strings, by splitting it at the specified character.
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