JavaView - Interactive 3D Geometry and Visualization

JavaView is a 3D geometry viewer and a mathematical visualization software. The open API of JavaView enables a smooth integration as 3D viewer and advanced visualization toolkit into commercial software like Mathematica and Maple.
JavaView-Light: the lite version of JavaView is optimized for fast download and contains the viewer module only, without any dialogs, inspectors and geometry algorithms. The lite version is mainly used to display precomputed geometry models inside web pages.
New Version: v5.01 may safely be installed over preceeding version such as v4.60, and we strongly suggest to upgrade.
Note: upgrade to JavaView v5.01 or later is required for 2020 registrations
Note: due to the limited support of Java in recent browsers, the applets on this site require explicit security changes of your browser. Instead, we strongly suggest to install the standalone version of JavaView which allows to run all applets as standalone projects.
- New Features and Compatibility
- JVL - A Maple Powertool
- Integration with Mathematica
- User's Guide (beta)
- the XML Validator - automatically checks the syntax of your JVX geometry and JVD camera files. Be sure that your files validate!
- 3D scientific viewer either in web pages or as stand-alone application
- Tiny Lite version of JavaView for fast online visualization of precomputed geometries
- Geometric modeling, variational optimization, vector fields
- Open software API and class library for geometry, numerics and visualization
- Z-buffer, texture, transparency and anti-aliased smooth rendering
- Smooth coloring and lighting
- Drawing of thick points and edges (3D Look)
- Tight integration with Mathematica, Maple and MuPAD.
- Import and export geometries in multiple data formats
jvx, obj, byu, stl, wrl, dxf, fe, off and Mathematica and Maple graphics - Save PostScript PS+EPS files and GIF, PPM images for publications