Validation of JavaView Rendering and Maple
This gallery shows a comparison of JavaView rendering of Maple plot with
the original Maple rendering. The purpose of the gallery is a
validation whether JavaView correctly parses and displays Maple plots.
Each page demonstrates a special Maple plot command or plot options and
compares the rendering. Each page contains two applets and two images in a
table like
JavaView Image |
Maple Image |
JavaView Applet |
JavaView-Lite Applet |
Shortcuts in Applets
Left-Mouse |
Drag to rotate |
s |
Drag to scale |
t |
Drag to translate |
r |
Switch to reset |
w / q |
Start / Stop
auto-rotation |
Shift-s |
Smooth drawing (slow) |
Shift-z |
z-buffer when surfaces
intersect |
Right-Mouse |
Show popup
menu |
More ... |
JavaView Help |
Notes on this Gallery
- all Maple renderings in this gallery were done with Maple 10.
Rendering with Maple 6 and Maple 9 has been checked too.
- Source code of this gallery is given in the workshop
geometryPlots.mws (available in the download package).
New Features in JavaViewLib 3.22
- complete parsing of Maple lights and predefined light models
- complete parsing of Maple camera positions
- better handling of plot option
scaling=unconstraints. JavaView will adjust the 2d/3d scaling of
the geometry and additionally adjust the screen aspect ratio with the
JavaView display. The JavaView camera inspectors provides interactive
control in the boxRatio section.
- parsing of more Maple commands and options
- possibility to add JavaView command line parameters such as
runJavaView(myPlot, "mpl/myPlot.mpl",
"zbuffer=show background=0,255,0"); The set of possible
command line parameters is available in the online JavaView documentation.
- simplified installation instructions and separate workshop
jvDebug.mws for
debugging installation issues.
- this comparison gallery.