Overview  Game of Life  Minesweeper 

Game of Life with Cellular Automata

Play the classic "game of life" on a torus or an arbitrary surface by marking elements, choosing influence area "Corona" and operating rule "Life". As an example configuration, the a checkbox allows to mark a glider on the surface with just a single mouse-click. The glide moves diagonally over the surface.

The cellular automata is available for any surface via menu Method-> Modeling-> Cellular Automata.

Use initial pick to mark or unmark cells, i.e. keep letter 'i' pressed and pick an element.

Operating rule "Life" Marked cells remain marked, if three or four influence-cells are marked, unmarked cells get marked, if three influence-cells are marked.
Operating rule "Majority" Every cell gets the same color as the majority of influence-cells.
Influence area "Neighbour" All neighbour cells and center cell belong to the influence area of the center cell.
Influence area "Corona" All cells with common vertices to center cell and center cell belong to the influence area of the center cell.

In every step, the operating rule is evaluated for every cell (using the values of the neighbour cells from the previous step). After evaluation all cells get a new value.

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