Write own applets in the programming language Java using the class library of JavaView. This is a collection of tutorial applets with source code which may be used as a basis for own applets.
First Applet | Create a simple applet with JavaView display. |
First Application | Create a simple application with JavaView display. |
First Graph | Create a simple surface from a function with JavaView display. |
First Project | Create a simple project with an own geometry class. Also see how to get animation events and add a panel. |
PaModel | Different ways to load a geometry model from file using PjImportModel. |
PaLoader | Sample code how to write a loader for an own geometry file format. |
PaKeyframe | Keyframe animation of a sequence of pre-computed geometries being loaded from file. |
PaLinear | Linear algebra example with vector calculus. |
PaTorusKnot | Handle different types of geometries in a project. |
PaPickEvent | Receive pick events from the viewer. |
Camera Events | Sample camera listener steers a stereo display. |
Color Selector | The color panel of JavaView. |
PaSlider | How to use classes PuInteger and PuDouble as parameter sliders. |
PaRuler | How to use Ruler to measure distances on the display. |
PaVectorField | Create, display, and interact with 2d and 3d vector fields. |
PaPolygonSet | Describes usage of polygon sets in JavaView. |
PaHeight | Displaying scalar field on a surfaces. |
PaExprOde | Solve a differential equation. ODE expression may be interactively typed. |
PaRootFinder | Find roots of real-valued functions of one variable. Function expression may be interactively edited. |
PaParmCurve | Describes a parameterized curve in 3D. Coordinate functions may be given as strings and interactively edited. |
PaParmSurface | Describes a parameterized surface over a two dimensional domain. Coordinate functions may be given as strings and interactively edited. Parameter domain allows adjusting using sliders. |
PaLSystem | Use L-systems to create natural shapes like trees and bushes. |
PaTextureCube/Surface | Assign textures to polyhedral surfaces. |
PaRivara | Rivara bisection algorithm for adaptive subdivision of triangulations. |
PaTransform | Transforming a 4D model rather than the viewing camera, simple 4D viewing and transformation. |
PaSizeVertex | Adjust thickness of individual vertices of a geometry. |
PaSizePolygon | Adjust thickness of individual edges of a polygon. |
PaSizeEdge | Adjust thickness of individual edges of an element set. |