See: Description
Class | Description |
PaSurface |
Applet loads classic parametrized surfaces.
PgSurface |
Computes parameterized surfaces defined by a surface descriptor.
PgSurface_Boy |
Boy's surface
PgSurface_Breather |
Breather surface family with float parameter.
PgSurface_BreatherPQ |
Breather surface family with two int parameters.
PgSurface_Catalan |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_CatenoidHelicoid |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Cliffordtorus |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Cone |
Parametrized cone surface.
PgSurface_ConicType |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_CP |
Info panel of PgSurface with panels for domain and functions.
PgSurface_Cylinder |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_DupinCycloid |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Ellipsoid |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_EllipticParaboloid |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Enneper |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_FootballBarrel |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Fresnel1 |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Fresnel2 |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Henneberg |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Hopftorus |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_HyperbolicHelicoid |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_HyperbolicParaboloid |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_HyperboloidType |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_KleinBottle |
Parametrized Klein bottle surface.
PgSurface_KleinBottleUgly |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Kuen |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_LawsonHelicoid |
Formula description of the family of minimal helicoids in the 3-sphere
which was described by H.B.
PgSurface_LowerHyperboloid |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_MoebiusStrip |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_OuterHyperboloid |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_PseudoSphere |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Sievert |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Sphere |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_SphereWithParams |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_StereographicSphere |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Tannery |
Computes rotational symmetric Tannery surface.
PgSurface_Torus |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_UpperHyperboloid |
Parametrized surface given by method, or interactively, by function expressions.
PgSurface_Zoll |
Computes rotational symmetric Zoll surface.
PgSurfaceDescr |
Describes a parametrized function including higher derivatives and fundamental forms.
PgSurfaceDescr_IP |
Info panel with additional, automatically installed, slider for each surface parameter.
PjSurface |
Parameterized surfaces given by Java functions, or interactively, by function expressions.
PjSurface_IP |
Info panel of parametrized surfaces with tabs for domain and function expressions.
Parametrized surfaces given by Java functions, or interactively, by function expressions.
If the functions of a surface are specified in calc_f
and, later, interactively edited, then the interactive expressions are further used.
This is important for evaluation of higher order differentials since they are only
approximated using finite differences in the later case.