public class Parser
extends java.lang.Object
These functions are defined: abs, acos(==arccos), asin(==arcsin), atan(==arctan), acot(==arccot), ceil, floor, exp, log(==ln), round, sign, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, cot, sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, asinh(==arcsinh), acosh(==arccosh), atanh(==arctanh), acoth(==arccoth). Lowercase and uppercase writing is ignored.
Each function requires one argument enclosed in parentheses. Whitespaces outside identifiers are ignored.
The syntax-error messages aren't very informative, unfortunately. IWBNI it indicated where in the input string the parse failed, but that'd be kind of a pain since our scanner is a StreamTokenizer. A hook for that info should've been built into StreamTokenizer.
public static Expr parse(java.lang.String input) throws Syntax_error