Menu Method
The method menu is filled by the active geometry of the display and therefore depends on its geometry type. The active geometry is set either in the display inspector, or by ctrl-tab switching, or by ctrl-right mouse.
Here is a list of frequent geometry classes and their menus. Note, that the menus are inherited by subclasses.
Menu Method for PointSets
Allows to apply several geometric and non-geometric operations on the current object.
These methods print debug information to the JavaView console window which is opened by Ctrl-d or F3 or by invoking menu Window->Console or via the popup-menu in the display.
- Update
Sends an update event to all geometries so they should be re-calculated. Should never be necessary. - Print All
Prints all geometry information of all geometries in active display to the JavaView debug console. - Print Center
Prints the coordinates of the center to the JavaView debug console. - Print BndBox
Prints the coordinates and dimensions of the bounding box of this geometry.
- Show Title
Showing the name of the geometry in the display gets switched on and off. - Enable Default Labels
If vertex labels are shown, this switches the labels to the names or numbers of the vertices (and elements, if the geometry is an ElementSet).
- Show Vertex Labels
If the vertices of the geometry are shown, the labels of vertices get turned to be visible or invisible in the display . - Show Marked Vertices
Switches highlighting of marked vertices on and off. - Show Arrow of Vertex Normals
If the point set has vertex normals and the normals are shown, this switch turns the straight lines to small arrows and back.
- Show Arrow of Vectors
If the point set has a vector field assigned to its vertices and the vector field is shown this switch turns the straight lines to small arrows and back.
- Mark Vertices(m)
Switch display to mark vertices mode. Click vertices or drag a rectangle to mark all vertices inside. - Mark all Vertices
All vertices of the currently activated geometry get selected. - Unmark Vertices(u)
Switch the display to unmark vertices mode. Click vertices or drag a rectangle to unmark all vertices inside. - Unmark all Vertices
All vertices of the currently activated geometry get deselected.
- Remove Marked Vertices
All marked vertices of the currently activated geometry get removed. - Remove Vertex Normals
The vertex normals of the currently activated geometry get deleted. - Remove All Vector Fields
All vector fields that has been assigned to this point set (except the normal vector field) are deleted. - Remove Texture
The texture coordinates and texture image get removed from the active geometry.
- Show Global Vertex Color
Switches the colors of vertices to global vertex color or individual colors. - Make Vertex Color from XYZ
Generates individual vertex colors from 3D coordinates by RGB. - Make Vertex Color from Z
Generates individual vertex colors from z coordinates by RGB. - Make Vertex Color from Z Hue
Generates individual vertex colors from z coordinates by Hue. - Make Vertex Color from Vector Length
Generates individual vertex colors from vector length of a vector field assigned to the current geometry.
- Make Vertex Texture from XY
Generates new vertex texture coordinates by projection to the X-Y-plane. - Make Vertex Texture from XZ
Generates new vertex texture coordinates by projection to the X-Z-plane. - Make Vertex Texture from YZ
Generates new vertex texture coordinates by projection to the Y-Z-plane. - Make Vertex Texture from Cylinder
Generates new vertex texture coordinates by projection to a cylinder. - Make Vertex Texture from Sphere
Generates new vertex texture coordinates by projection a sphere .
- Increment Vertex Dimension
The dimension of the vertices gets incremented by 1, the additional coordinates are set to 0. - Decrement Vertex Dimension
The dimension of the vertices gets decremented by 1, the last coordinates of all vertices get lost. This is not reversible!
- Move To Origin
Translates all vertex coordinates such that the new center of the bounding box is the origin of the coordinate space. - Project To Sphere(1)
Projects all vertices to unit sphere by central projection. - Flip Orientation
Multiplies all vertex normals by -1.
- Evolve
Moves all vertices into directions of normals or other vector fields.
Menu Method for ElementSets
See also Method Menu of Point Sets.
- Print Edge List
Prints all edges as pairs of vertex indices and the indices of adjacent elements to the JavaView debug console. - Print Boundary
Prints all boundary polygons with information about boundary vertices and elements to the JavaView debug console. - Compute Area
The area of all elements are added and printed to the JavaView debug console. - Compute Volume
Computes the enclosed volume of this element set and prints it to the JavaView debug console. - Compute L2 Norm
The L2 norm of this element set to JavaView debug console.
- Show Element Labels
If the elements of the geometry are shown, the labels of elements get turned to be visible or invisible in the display . - Show Marked Elements
Switches highlighting of marked elements on and off. - Show Arrow of Element Normals
If the ElementSet has element normals and the normals are shown, this switch turns the straight lines to small arrows and back.
- Show Backside
Switches backside of elements to be visible or invisible.
- Mark Elements
Switch display to mark elements mode. Click elements to mark. - Mark all Elements
All elements of the currently activated geometry get selected. - Unmark Elements
Switch the display to unmark elements mode. Click elements to unmark. - Unmark all Elements
All Elements of the currently activated geometry get deselected.
- Remove Unused Vertices
All vertices that do not form an element (together with other vertices) are deleted from the geometry. Vertex indices may change. - Remove Marked Elementss
All marked elements of the currently activated geometry get removed. - Remove Element Normals
The element normals of the currently activated geometry get deleted. - Remove Degenerated Elements
All elements with less than three vertices and elements with too much identical vertices get removed.
- Show Global Element Color
Switches the colors of elements to global element color or individual colors.
- Show Global Element Back Color
Switches the back colors of elements to global element back color or individual colors. - Element Back Color = Front Color
Switches between showing own backside colors and showing back sides in front side colors. - Make Element Color from XYZ
Generates individual element colors from 3D coordinates by RGB. - Make Element Color from Z
Generates individual element colors from z coordinates by RGB. - Make Element Color from Z Hue
Generates individual element colors from z coordinates by Hue. - Make Color from Gauss Curvature
Generates individual element and vertex colors from discrete gauss curvature.
- Make Vertex Normals
Assigns every vertex a normal vector that is the weighted mean of the element normals. - Make Element Normals
Assigns every element a normal vector that is normal to the elements plane. - Make Neighbour
Computes the information which elements are neighbouring. Two elements are neighbours if they have a common edge. - Triangulate
Makes a triangulation out of arbitrary element sets by splitting polygons into triangles. - Flip Edges
Iterates over all edges and flips an edge whenever the triangle angles become smaller.
- Reset Boundary Normals
The Normals of vertices at the boundary of the ElementSet get set to zero length. - Close Boundaries
If two boundaries coincident then both boundaries are removed and the connectivity is connected along the former boundaries. - Constrain Boundaries
If the boundaries have constrains assigned (in general they haven't any) all boundaries are assured to match this constrains. - Identify Vertices
Identify vertices with identical coordinates or vertices within an epsilon-box of each other.
- Make Orientation
Try to turn all elements to the same orientation as all their neighbour elements
- Compute Geodesics
Compute the shortest or straightest polygon connecting two points upon the surface upon the elements. - Clip at Function
All elements get cut by a level function to be typed in; just the element parts at one side of the level function are shown, parts at the other side get deleted.
- Unfold Geometry
The angles between neighbouring elements get bent to Pi, so all elements will lay within one plane; some elements neighborhoods get broken to hold the shape of the elements. - Generate Thick Edges
Generates Tubes around all edges of the geometry. - Stellate/Shrink/Truncate/Punch
Invokes a dialog for some elemental modeling tools. - Simplification
The number of elements gets reduced by an edge-collapsing algorithm. - Refinement
Invokes a dialog for some element set refinement algorithms. - Explode
Animation of the current geometry blown up. - Explode Group of Geometries
Moves all geometries in the display along straight lines away from a common center point.
Vector Field
- Create/Modify Vector Field
Creates or modifies vertex based or element based vector fields by adding different singularities. - Visualize Vector Field
Visualizes a vector field attached to the geometry by integral lines or Line Integral Convolution. - Hodge Splitting of Vector Field
Decomposes a vector field attached to the geometry to a rotation free, a divergence free and an harmonic vector field.
- Game of Life
Play the cellular automata "game of life" upon arbitrary surfaces. - Minesweeper
Play the "Minesweeper" game upon arbitrary surfaces.
Menu Method Polygons
See also Method Menu of Point Sets.
- Length
Prints Euclidian length of the active polygon to the JavaView debug console.
- Show Edge Labels
Switches the labels of edges on and of in the display. - Show Polygon Start Arrow
Shows an arrow at the start of the first edge of the polygon. - Show Polygon End Arrow
Shows an arrow at the end of the last edge of the polygon.
- Close
If the polygon is not closed yet this method adds the starting point to the end of the vertex list. - Make Vertex Normals
Assigns vertex normals to the polygon. - Make Vertex Binormals
Computes vertex normals orthogonal to both adjacent edges. - Make Vertex Offset Normals
Computes normals at vertices as edge bisectors whose tip lies on an offset = 1 curve. - Make Vertex Curvature Normals
Computes normals at vertices as edge bisectors with length equal to (Pi - angle of vertex).
- Triangulate
Generates a new PgElementSet by the triangulation of the polygon. - Get Tube
Generates a tube around the edges of the polygon. - Refine/Coarsen Polygon
Invokes a dialog to refine or coarsen the resolution of the polygon.