Animation Panel Usage
Controls in animation panel:
Slider "Time" | the time parameter is double-valued, in this case it is running between 0.0 and 720.0. Whenever this value gets changed, the geometry will be updated. |
Button "Rewind" | In every animation step the time value gets decremented by the time-sliders block increment. |
Button "Start" | In every animation step the time value gets incremented by the time-sliders unit increment. |
Button "Stop" | Stop the animation. |
Button "Forward" | In every animation step the time value gets incremented by the time-sliders block increment. |
Choice "One Way" | The animation will automatically stop, as soon as the time reaches the maximum or minimum value of the time-slider. |
Choice "Loop" | When the time value reaches the maximum value of the time-slider, it is set to the minimum value and vice versa. The animation continues with this new time value. |
Choice "Back/Forth" | When the time value reaches the maximum or minimum value of the time-slider, the direction of the animation gets inverted. |
Button "Hide" | The animation panel gets invisible. To get it visible again, press F4 or Ctrl-a. |
If the animation is a keyframe animation, the panel has four additional buttons:
Button "First Key" | Set time to time of first keyframe object. |
Button "Previous Key" | Set time to greatest keyframe time, that is less or equal to current time. |
Button "Next Key" | Set time to smallest keyframe time, that is greater or equal to current time. |
Button "Last Key" | Set time to time of last keyframe object. |